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Undergraduate and Master's level education

Undergraduate and Master's level education refers to first- and second-cycle education.

Admission, degree and credit transfer

Rules for unofficial documents regarding the completion of study programmes

Rules for unofficial documents regarding the completion of study programmes

When students have fulfilled the requirements for a degree, they should request a degree certificate from the university at their own initiative. A degree certificate is the only official document that shows that a student has fulfilled the requirements for a degree.

Type of document: Rule
Office in charge: Student Services Office
Field: First- and Second-cycle education
Reg. no.: FS 1.1-1231-20
Validity: 9 June 2020 until further notice
Approved by: Vice-Chancellor
Date of approval: 2020-06-09
Replaces document: FS 1.1-1737-15

Rules for unofficial documents regarding the completion of study programmes

The template, in Swedish or English, can be found on the staff web under Templates with logo (to see all templates, login is required).

Teaching and assessment

Written exams

Rules for on-campus written exams

This rule is intended to promote fair exams. The rules are to be applied in both regularly scheduled exams and retakes of exams and they consist of two parts: Rules for on-campus written exams (Section 2) is intended for students. Procedures for on-campus written exams (Section 3) is intended for organisations that hold exams.

Type of document: Rule
Office in charge: Campus Services Office
Field: First- and second-cycle education and Access and foundation education
Reg. no.: FS 1.1-405-23
Validity: 1 September 2024 until further notice
Approved by: Vice-Chancellor
Date of approval: 2024-08-23
Replaces document: Rules for written hall exams approved by the Vice-Chancellor on 28 August 2023, FS 1.1-405-23

Rules for on-campus written exams

Rules for grades and examination at first- and second-cycle studies

Rules for grades and examination

This regulation aims to clarify and legally secure grading and examination at Umeå University. The document includes rules and procedures for examiners, grades, compulsory educational modules, adapted examination form and retakes.

Type of document: Rule
Office in charge: Student Services Office
Field: First- and second-cycle education
Reg. no.: FS 1.1-574-22
Validity: 29 April 2022 until further notice
Approved by: Vice-Chancellor
Date of approval: 2022-04-29
Replaces document: Grading and examination regulations

Rules for grades and examination 

Rules for administration of placements and study visits

Rules for administration of placements and study visits

This rule describes how Umeå University administers placements and study visits. Additional information can be found in each faculty’s (and the Umeå School of Education’s) procedures for placements and study visits.

Type of document: Rule
Office in charge: Student Services Office
Field: First-cycle and second-cycle education
Reg. no.: 1.1-2252-22
Validity: 2 December 2022 until further notice
Approved by: Vice-Chancellor
Date of approval: 2022-12-02
Replaces document: Rules for placements and study visits at Umeå University, reg. no. 500-1021-13

Rules for administration of placements and study visits

Procedures - disciplinary cases

Procedures - disciplinary cases

The purpose of these Administrative Procedures is to clarify the rules for, and the handling of, disciplinary cases within the educational programme at the Bachelor’s and Master’s levels at the University. This is to ensure a legally secure and transparent process in disciplinary matters, provide support with the application and administration of the disciplinary rules, and so as to be able to proactively work within the field.

Type of document: Procedures
Office in charge: Legal Affairs Office
Field: First- and second-cycle education
Reg. no.: FS 1.1-2473-23
Validity: 26 May 2023 until further notice
Approved by: Vice-Chancellor
Date of approval: 2023-05-26
Replaces document: FS 1.1-1020-17

Procedures - disciplinary cases

Regulation for first- and second-cycle study administration

Regulation for first- and second-cycle study administration

This regulation specifies how Umeå University administers schedules, registration, leave from studies, non-completion, giving out exams, registering of grades, publication of examination results, and fees for students.

Type of document: Rule
Office in charge: Student Services Office
Field: First- and second-cycle education and Higher education access programme
Reg. no.: FS 1.1-639-21
Validity: 1 June 2021 until further notice
Approved by: Vice-Chancellor
Date of approval: 2021-05-04
Replaces document: Regulation for first- and second-cycle study administration (FS 1.1-953-18) and Costs for students at Umeå University – Rules and guidelines (500-781-13))

Regulation for first- and second-cycle study administration

Student support and student influence

Procedure for support for students with disabilities

Procedures for support for students with disabilities

The procedures describe the process for applying for and receiving a decision on support, the support measures available and the University’s internal distribution of responsibility for support and adaptation measures for students with disabilities.

Type of document: Other
Office in charge: Student Services Office
Field: Education and research
Reg. no.: FS 1.1-177-23
Validity: 1:st of March 2023 until further notice
Approved by: Vice-Chancellor
Date of approval: 2023-02-03
Replaces document: Procedures for support for students with disabilities (ref. no. FS 1.1 2118-16, decision date May 1, 2017)

Procedure for support for students with disabilities

Rule for student influence

Rule for student influence

This document describes the practical application of regulations at Umeå University relating to student influence as prescribed by laws and ordinances. This policy document is primarily for university staff, students and student unions. The document describes the right of students to have influence and representation, the responsibility of student unions for appointing students to represent student interests and the University’s responsibility and measures for enabling student influence.

Type of document: Rule
Office in charge: Planning Office
Field: Third-cycle education First- and second-cycle education Access and foundation education
Reg. no.: FS 1.1-2069-23
Validity: 10 November 2023 until further notice
Approved by: Vice-Chancellor
Date of approval: 2023-11-10
Replaces document: Regulations for student influence at Umeå University (FS 1.1- 1950-15) approved by the Vice-Chancellor on 22 December 2015

Rule for student influence

Education planning and education quality

Rules for course syllabi and literature lists

Rules for course syllabi and literature lists

This document contains rules and guidelines concerning the content of course syllabi and literature lists. It also describes how to work with course syllabi and course literature in Umeå University’s education database, Selma.

Type of document: Rule
Office in charge: Student Services Office
Field: First- and second-cycle education
Reg. no.: FS 1.1-575-22
Validity: 29 April 2022
Approved by: Vice-Chancellor
Date of approval: 2022-04-29
Replaces document: Rules for course syllabi and literature lists at first- and second-cycle level (FS 1.1–2311–18)

Rules for course syllabi and literature lists

Rules for programme syllabi in first- and second-cycle education

Rules for programme syllabi in first- and second-cycle education

This document contains rules regarding programme syllabi drawn up at Umeå University. The purpose is to ensure a legally certain and institution-wide process for the drawing up and revision of programme syllabi. The rule applies to new or revised programme syllabi established after 1 January 2020.

Type of document: Rule
Office in charge: Student Services Office
Field: First- and second-cycle education
Reg. no.: FS 1.1–142–19
Validity: 1 January 2020 until further notice
Approved by: Vice-Chancellor
Date of approval: 2019-11-11
Replaces document: Utbildningsplanemall för kurser på grundnivå och avancerad nivå vid Umeå universitet/Reg. no: 500-2102-11/2014-06-24

Rules for programme syllabi in first- and second-cycle education

Internationalisation policy

Internationalisation policy

Internationalisation policy for Umeå University.

Type of document: Policy
Office in charge: International Office
Field: First- and Second-Cycle Education, Third-cycle education, Research
Reg. no.: FS 1.1-212-22
Validity: 4 March 2022 until further notice
Approved by: Vice-Chancellor
Date of approval: 2022-03-04
Replaces document: FS 1.1.1-284-14

Internationalisation policy

Quality system for education

Quality system for education

Umeå University has a coherent quality system for education that is integrated into the University’s operating cycle. The quality system is based on nine activities that support, develop and highlight our systematic quality work. These activities together encompass all of the University’s organisational levels and are implemented in different time cycles. This document describes these activities and how they contribute to both quality development and quality assurance.

Type of document: Rule
Office in charge: Planning Office
Field: Education
Reg. no.: FS 1.1-1324-18
Validity: 26 February 2019 until further notice
Approved by: Vice-Chancellor
Date of approval: 2019-02-26

Quality system for education

Rules for tuition fees

Rules for tuition fees

Per the Swedish Code of Statutes, SFS 2010:543, all non-EU/EEA citizens are required to pay tuition for studies at the level of higher education.

Type of document: Rule
Office in charge: International Office
Field: First- and Second-Cycle Education
Reg. no.: FS 1.1-560-24
Validity: 15 March 2024 until further notice
Approved by: Vice-Chancellor
Date of approval: 2024-03-15
Replaces document: Rules for tuition fees 2021-03-21 (FS 1.1-637-21)

Rules for tuition fees

Procedures for degree project

Procedures for degree projects

This document clarifies the procedures concerning the roles and division of responsibility for degree project courses. These procedures apply throughout Umeå University. Both faculties and departments should use these procedures as a basis for more precise course-specific instructions.

Type of document: Other
Office in charge: Planning Office
Field: First- and second-cycle education
Reg. no.: FS 1.1-1951-15
Validity: Until further notice
Approved by: Vice-Chancellor
Date of approval: 2016-03-22
Replaces document: Newly established

Procedures for degree project

Latest update: 2024-09-05