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The older alphabetical catalogue

The older alphabetical catalogue is the original card catalogue of the library and contains records of materials not to be found in the library search tool, comprising data on foreign materials in the library, prior to 1975. The corresponding items are not shelved together in one collection only, but placed in open access collections as well as in closed stacks, depending upon the character of the items.

Search the older alphabetical catalogue


  • To request an item from the older alphabetical card catalogue please click the button Request on the search page. This is the button marked with a shopping cart.
  • Fill in name, email address and library card number/Umu-id.
  • If your order includes volumes, issues, booklets etc. of a multipart monograph or a serial publication, please specify which parts you require in the message field.
  • If the work includes several editions, please specify edition in the message field.
  • Fill in the captcha and press Send.

Borrowing rules for home loans

  • In general most circulating books printed later than 1920 may be borrowed. Some of the older books may need to be catalogued prior to circulation.
  • Books printed before 1920, journals and other periodical literature are excepted from home loan.
  • Exceptions from home loan can also be made due to the condition or format of the work.

Collection and process time

  • It may take time to find all ordered material, normally it should be available at 14:00 the following weekday. We will notify you when the material is gathered and can be retrieved.
  • Please note that no requests are processed during evenings or weekends.

Search Help

  • Free text searching is possible, please observe that the machine read text includes errors, therefore a manual search is recommended in second hand.
  • The catalogue is arranged alphabetically according to author name, if existing, otherwise according to title or institution. Works lacking a specified author or having more than three authors, need to be searched by title. Periodicals are mainly searched by publishing institution. If a specified author exists it is not possible to search the work by title - you need to flip through all of the author's works.
  • No combination searches are possible, no subject searches either.
  • Titles are to be searched by the first noun in the nominative derived from the title of the work: e.g. search for Adress-calender to retrieve Stockholms adress-calender.

Sorting - things to consider when browsing

  • Danish/Norwegian ae needs to be searched as ä, Danish/Norwegian aa as å and German oe as ö (Goethe)
  • In a main entry (author or title entry), comprising several titles, the sorting is strictly alphabetical. Under Viktor Rydberg the book "Den siste atenaren" is sorted before "Singoalla". This strict alphabetical sorting principle also implies that under the entry "Journal" , The British journal and British journal are not sorted together.
  • Titles beginning with Hvad and Vad respectively are not sorted together, nor is Bref and Brev.
  • For practical reasons however, the entries Beskrifning and Beskrivning are sorted together, as well as surnames ending in -son with one or two s and the qu, qv and qw in surnames ending in -qvist. Changing practice over the years makes it hard to give any exact rules - trial and error is what applies.
Latest update: 2020-09-24