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Published: 2021-10-12

Arctic session at the Nordic Geographers Meeting

NEWS Two of Arcums associated researcher present an Arctic session on the 9th Nordic Geographers Meeting on Multiple Nordic Geographies in Finland in February 2022. Dorothee Bohn, doctoral student, and Doris Carson, assistant professor, both at the Department of Geography at Umeå university, will host the session Exploring contemporary governance of society, land-use and tourism in Arctic regions through a spatial lens.

Text: Anngelica Kristoferqvist

The Department of Geographical and Historical Studies & the Karelian Institute at the University of Eastern Finland host the 9th Nordic Geographers Meeting on Multiple Nordic Geographies on February 7–10, 2022 in Joensuu, Finland. The conference aims to examine, debate and challenge existing theories, concepts and methodological approaches in human and physical geography. To understand the relationship between natural hazards and society, geopolitics, economies and environment in the Nordic regions.

Exploring contemporary governance of society, land-use and tourism in Arctic regions through a spatial lens

Since the early 1990s, the idea of governance has shifted from power exercised unilaterally by governments, towards interactive decision-making and policy delivery in networks and partnerships. Dorothee Bohn and Doris Carson will host a session that aims to bring together current research exploring the spatial dimension of governance with a particular focus on the Arctic.

The Arctic is a region of increasing importance and offers an interesting context to examine the interplay between governance and different notions of space (absolute, relational and representative) due to the many actors and organisations involved. In order to broaden the field of research, this session is offered to discuss governance and its challenges as well as future opportunities in local society, economy and land-use.

Arctic project

Dorothee and Doris are part of the project “Climate Change and the Double Amplification of Arctic Tourism: Challenges and Potential Solutions for Tourism and Sustainable Development in an Arctic Context” led by Dieter Müller.

This research initiative analyses how local and regional government, industry and community stakeholders in Arctic Sweden tackle challenges and opportunities related to tourism, globalization and climate change and what future development they aspire.

Call for abstracts is open

For this session, you are invited to submit contributions that adopt different levels of analysis, scales and methods in the spatial contemplation of governance in the realms of society and the changing economic landscape and land-use priorities, as seen for example in the increasing prominence of tourism within traditionally resource-dominated economies.

Dorothee Bohn
Postdoctoral fellow
Doris Carson
Research fellow (on leave), research fellow