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Published: 2023-02-06

Get to know Olivia Wesula Lwande – New UCMR PI

NEWS Olivia Wesula Lwande researches mosquito-borne viruses (moboviruses) that infect humans and animals via mosquitoes and cause disease. The research is interdisciplinary in nature and Olivia would like to collaborate with researchers in immunology, molecular biology, epidemiology, infectious medicine and microbial ecology. Olivia is great at dancing and also enjoys cooking and yin yoga.

Text: Ingrid Söderbergh

To achieve holistic understanding of all research aspects, one must be flexible and engage with a committed and dynamic multidisciplinary team.

Why did you want to join UCMR? What are your expectations?

“I would like to join UCMR because my research involves interdisciplinary research, for example, I would like to collaborate with researchers from other fields including immunology, molecular biology, epidemiology, infection medicine and microbial ecology.”

“My expectations are that UCMR will provide an opportunity to establish a strong network with experts connected to my research. I also hope that UCMR will give, funding opportunities, already established infrastructure that can be co-shared as well as capacity building and institutional development through training, workshops and seminars.”

What is your research about?

”My research focuses on the virus-mosquito and mosquito-host interactions.”

What was it that made you choose to study and work in this field?

”The research that I undertake is very special in the sense that it transcends beyond the borders to a global scale. Mosquito-borne viruses are not limited to one region and some viruses that previously have been restricted to certain geographical locations have now been spread to ecological naive settings causing large outbreaks, for example the introduction of Zika virus in South America and the West Nile virus and Usutu virus outbreaks in Europe. This means that for one to achieve holistic understanding of all research aspects, one must be flexible and engage with a committed and dynamic multidisciplinary team involving entomologists, veterinarians, medical practitioners, ornithologists, disease modellers, bioinformaticians, arbovirologists as well as communities involved.”

What is it like to do research at Umeå University?

“Umeå University offers a wide variety of opportunities for researchers, for example a variety of research facilities, databases, and equipment that one can access to be able to conduct quality research. Most researchers share the core facilities located at the university. Apart from research the university provides career development and support services. The university also offers facilities for extracurricular activities, for example one can go to IKSU and participate in different sport activities. The university also offers physical and psychological support through a platform called “Feelgood” where stress rehabilitation and support as well as ergonomic equipment and training is provided.”

What is your best advice to younger researchers?

"Not to give up! Be patient, curious and not afraid of taking calculated risks. Aim at establishing collaboration of mutual benefit especially in areas that require synergy. Aim at undertaking quality research that transcends beyond their research environment and has direct or indirect positive impact to the society and the world at large."

What do you like to do when you do not work?

"Dancing, cooking, running and yin yoga."

Short facts about Olivia Wesula Lwande:

Comes from: Kenya
Me in three words: Resilient, gritty, thorough
Interests: Dancing, writing, and travelling
Reading: Peer-reviewed papers within the field of arbovirology. While relaxing I read magazines on home décor and lifestyle
Three things on my bucket list: Visit Gotland, speak fluent Swedish, learn to ski
Wanted to become when I was a child: A medical doctor
Best holiday spot: Brazil, Recife (Porto De Galinhas)
If I had a time machine: I would travel to that year I became a fully-fledged researcher and received the Sagittarius Society's award to younger researchers at the Faculty of Medicine at Umeå University 2022. I also participated in the “Årshögtiden”
Best with Umeå University: All-inclusive university that offers great environment for quality research, teaching, and outreach