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Designing implementation research for integration of tuberculosis, diabetes, and tobacco control programme: research link collaboration between India, Indonesia, and Sweden

Research project Many low- and middle-income countries (LMIC s) are facing both a persistent burden of infectious diseases and an emerging burden of chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs).

Tuberculosis (TB) co-exists with other NCDs, including diabetes mellitus (DM). Smoking increases the risk of both TB and DM. Health systems in many LMIC s are ill-prepared and currently facing the “triple burden of smoking, TB, and DM”, which drives these countries into the vicious cycle of poverty. Designing implementation research for integration of tuberculosis, diabetes, and tobacco control programme is a research link collaboration between India, Indonesia, and Sweden.

Head of project

Nawi Ng

Project overview

Project period:

2019-01-01 2020-12-31

Participating departments and units at Umeå University

Department of Epidemiology and Global Health

Research area

Public health and health care science

External funding

Swedish Research Council
  • Project members

    External project members

    Ari Probandari, International project leader, docent, Univeritas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
    Bachti Alisjahbana, Doktor, Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia
    Rajmohan Panda, Public Health Foundation of India, Dehli NCR, India
    Sanghamitra Pati, Indian Council of Medical Research, India

Project description

We will create the stakeholder network and link researchers and policymakers to discuss enablers and barriers and develop models for the integration of TB, DM, and tobacco control programs at primary health care centres, district, provincial, and national levels. We will conduct formative research using realist evaluation, concept mapping, and social network analysis to guide the model developments.

The collaboration envisaged in the project between Sweden, India and Indonesia will help to identify priority areas and strategies for integration of TB, DM, and tobacco control in LMIC s, which can be modified and applied in the context of a developed country (Sweden). Project activities include workshops, discussions with
stakeholders, data analysis, paper and proposal writing during 2019-2020. This research link project will enhance research capacity and competence of researchers in four universities in India and Indonesia for designing and conduct implementation research to strengthen the health systems.

External funding

Latest update: 2020-01-03