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New models for regional mobilization – comparisons and learning across the Kvarken region”

Research project The project “New models for regional mobilization – comparisons and learning across the Kvarken region” is a joint research project between the department of Social and Economic Geography, Umeå University, Vasa University and Åbo Academy in Vasa.

The project “New models for regional mobilization – comparisons and learning across the Kvarken region” is a joint research project between the department of Social and Economic Geography, Umeå University, Vasa University and Åbo Academy in Vasa. The project is divided into two major themes. The first deals with analysis and cross-border comparisons of administrative and political organization to handle the challenges for the municipal sector to provide the inhabitants with a good service level and foster a general attractive milieu. The second theme is analysis of small scale economic growth initiatives in form of cluster development in rural parts of the Kvarken region. These studies are organized as cross-border comparisons and meetings with stakeholders to stimulate mutual learning processes. Two sectors are focused: tourism and food industry.

Head of project

Ulf Wiberg
Professor emeritus

Project overview

Project period:

2008-10-01 2009-09-30


Finansår , 2009

huvudman: Ulf Wiberg, finansiar: Europeiska regionala utvecklingsfonden, y2009: 1410,

huvudman: , finansiar: Länstyrelsen Västerbotten, y2009: 282,

huvudman: , finansiar: Österbottens Förbund, y2009: 282,

huvudman: , finansiar: Umeå Universitet, y2009: 188,

huvudman: , finansiar: Vasa Universitet, y2009: 94,

huvudman: , finansiar: Åbo Akademi, y2009: 94,

Participating departments and units at Umeå University

Faculty of Social Sciences, Transportation Research Unit

Research area

Human geography

Project description

Latest update: 2018-06-20