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Internationella studenter som pratar i caféet i Lindellhallen

Image: Malin Grönborg

Faculty of Social Sciences

Knowledge of social science is a necessary prerequisite for being able to cope with and solve some of today's most pressing global issues, such as the environment, health, poverty, growth and democracy. The research and education done at the faculty focuses in various ways on society and social issues.

Our researchers are of high international standing, having reached prominence in a number of fields such as welfare research, applied IT, gender issues, sustainable development and developmental psychology. Our educational programmes and courses have a solid scientific basis. We put a lot of effort into designing our study programmes so they provide a theoretical foundation and also help students to put that knowledge to practical use within the chosen vocational field.


Flaggning på halvstång vid campusdammen efter skolskjutningen i Örebro.
Minute of silence and flag at half mast to honour the victims in Örebro

The Prime Minister calls for a national minute of silence, Umeå University participates.

Bild från fältarbete
Call: Arctic Six Fellow 2025

Become an Arctic Six Fellow and develop your network within Arctic research and education! Deadline: 21 March.

En kvinna står framför en vit vägg
Student selected for prestigious fellowship programme

Demet Sertoglu Tertemiz has been selected as a fellow in the 2025 DHL GoTrade GBSN Fellowship Program.

Porträtt på Niklas Eklund
Arctic Six project strives for a more secure future for the Arctic

Arctic Six Chair Niklas Eklund will address security issues and lead the work for Arctic Security forward.

New professor in population studies at Umeå University

Anna Baranowska-Rataj is a new Professor in Population Studies specialising in register-based research.

"My time at Umeå University helped me achieve my career goals"

Alumnus Asim Mehmood from Pakistan hopes to make a long-lasting impact in his community and beyond.