Industrial Doctoral School’s announcement of seed money to establish collaborations
Umeå University Industrial Doctoral School (IDS) promotes research cooperation between researchers, industry and the public sector. IDS announce seed money for researchers in order to establish and develop a collaboration with an external party, with the aim of applying to IDS doctoral candidate project in the future.
Conditions Seed money of up to SEK 50,000 (including overhead) can be applied for to establish, or further develop, a contact with an external party, or to write an application for the IDS doctoral candidate funding. External party does not need to be consulted, but it is an advantage if there is an established contact. The funding can be used to cover, for example travel costs or working hours, and can be used within six months. Unused funds are refunded to IDS.
Who is eligible to apply? Researchers at Umeå University who has the right to act as the principal supervisor for a doctoral candidate can apply for the seed money. Applications from all subject areas are welcome. Researchers who apply for funding may not hold a direct or indirect stake in the external organisation.
What should the application include? The purpose of IDS is to promote collaboration between researchers and external partners by co-financing joint doctoral projects. A step towards a joint PhD-project is to establish a contact with an external partner and investigate the prerequisites for a more extensive cooperation. The idea with the seed money is facilitate this step.
The application should include:
A description of the research area, the project idea and the potential partners (max 1500 characters).
Intended activities and budget, including overhead.
CV of a maximum of two pages and five selected articles that are relevant to the application.
When and how should applications be submitted? The application should be submitted electronically to the registrar at Umeå University,
The application can be submitted during the whole year. Mark your email and application with the given diary number.
Diary number for applications sent in during 2024: FS 2.1.6-2042-23
Applications are processed on an ongoing basis.
Questions? If you have any questions about the application, or the Industrial Doctoral School in general, please do not hesitate to contact the Director of the Industrial Doctoral School, Patrik Rydén.