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Staff photo Sandra Einarsson

Sandra Einarsson

My research focuses on clinical nutrition, specifically disease-related malnutrition. I mainly teach on the Dietetics program in dietetics and Motivational Interviewing (MI).

Research qualifications: Docent
Educational qualifications: Recognised university teacher

Works at

Lärarutbildningshuset, Plan 4, Lärarutbildningshuset Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå


I am a doctor in Otorhinolaryngology and defended my thesis in 2013 with the title "Impact of disease and treatment on body weight and eating in patients with head and neck cancer - experiences from a multicenter study". Since then, my research has focused on the professional practice of the clinical dietitian, with specific focus on nutrition assessment of disease-related malnutrition.


I am currently the main supervisor for Mikaela Dietrichson, a doctoral student within the national research school InSyNC (Integrating Sustainability in Nutrition Care, https://www.ikv.uu.se/education/phd-studies/insync/).


I was the program coordinator for the Dietetic program between 2006 – 2021 and I am currently teach within within the program in dietetics and Motivational Interviewing (MI). I also supervise and examine theses on the bachelor and master’s level. I was appointed a qualified teacher in 2018 based on the pedagogical qualification model of Umeå University.

You can talk to me about:

Disease-related malnutrition, specifically in cancer disease and the importance of nutrition for cancer survivors.


I am a registered dietitian. Prior to my employment at the department, I worked as a clinical dietitian with both in- and outpatients.

Dagens medicin, (2024-03-12)
Bergfeldt, Kjell; Einarsson, Sandra; Ekstedt, Mirjam; et al.
Clinical Nutrition Open Science, Elsevier 2024, Vol. 56 : 11-25
Einarsson, Sandra; Thoresen, Lene; Tobberup, Randi; et al.
Dietisten, Branschmedia i Sverige AB 2024, (3) : 40-43
Lindström, Rebecca; Orrevall, Ylva; Belqaid, Kerstin; et al.
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, John Wiley & Sons 2024, Vol. 38, (3) : 589-601
Lindström, Rebecca; Orrevall, Ylva; Belqaid, Kerstin; et al.
Nordic Studies in Education, Cappelen Damm Akademisk 2023, Vol. 43, (3) : 225-240
Einarsson, Sandra; Johansson, Anna; Kautto, Ethel; et al.
Dagens Medicin
Wengström, Yvonne; Ekstedt, Mirjam; Einarsson, Sandra; et al.
Clinical Nutrition ESPEN, Elsevier 2020, Vol. 40 : 149-155
Einarsson, Sandra; Karlsson, Hans-Emil; Björ, Ove; et al.
Clinical Nutrition ESPEN, Elsevier 2020, Vol. 37 : 100-106
Einarsson, Sandra; Laurell, Göran; Tiblom Ehrsson, Ylva
Nutrition and Cancer, Taylor & Francis 2020, Vol. 72, (7) : 1191-1199
Einarsson, Sandra; Laurell, Göran; Tiblom Ehrsson, Ylva
European Journal of Cancer Care, John Wiley & Sons 2019, Vol. 28, (2)
Einarsson, Sandra; Laurell, Göran; Tiblom Ehrsson, Ylva
Universitetspedagogiska konferensen 2017: undervisning i praktiken – föreläsning, flexibelt eller mitt emellan?, Umeå: Universitetspedagogik och lärandestöd (UPL), Umeå universitet 2017 : 42-43
Einarsson, Sandra; Rapo, Sofia
Supportive Care in Cancer, Springer 2014, Vol. 22, (9) : 2361-2369
Ottosson, Sandra; Lindblom, Ulrika; Wahlberg, Peter; et al.
Radiation Oncology, Vol. 9 : 160-
Ottosson, Sandra; Söderström, Karin; Kjellén, Elisabeth; et al.
Journal of Clinical Nursing, Vol. 22, (7-8) : 1034-1043
Ottosson, Sandra; Laurell, Göran; Olsson, Cecilia
Acta Oncologica, London: Informa Healthcare 2013, Vol. 52, (4) : 711-718
Ottosson, Sandra; Zackrisson, Björn; Kjellén, Elisabeth; et al.
Abstracts of the 33rd ESPEN Congress, Elsevier 2011 : 146-146
Ottosson, Sandra; Laurell, Göran; Zackrisson, Björn; et al.