Term Project Collaborations
Each term, projects are chosen to fit in with the current pedagogical aims and requirements. All projects adopt a different character, content and focus.
In all instances, project definitions are always discussed and refined with the company involved. The project brief is usually drawn up in detail by UID representatives and includes project description, aims, methods, results and presentation.
It is important to note that the project is seen as a collaborative endeavour and not a commission, in order to encourage experiments with ideas and forms among the students and to avoid conflict with the company's on-going product development activities.
Term project framework
Each project runs for 4-9 weeks spread out during the course of each term. Theoretical courses are interspersed with the projects. The purpose is to create a reciprocal activity between theory and practice. Collaborating companies may also provide course input during the theoretical studies.
6-14 students participate in each project working either individually or in groups, depending on the nature of the problem. An external professional industrial designer is employed as tutor during the project. The tutor visits UID at regular intervals for discussions and evaluations with the students.
Company visits
The participating company usually visits UID on three occasions. The first visit takes place at the presentation of the project for the students. Very often a lecture is given at this stage describing the company's activities, strategies, marketing etc. A second visit is made in the middle of the project and a final visit for the project presentation. A representative from the company is usually assigned as contact person for the students and staff for the duration of the project. Students continuously keep the company informed of project status through the Internet. The company has secure access to special parts of our website.
Final presentations
A full presentation of the project is given to the company, usually in the form of a digital screen presentation supported by physical models (2D and 3D), reports and other relevant material. This final presentation takes place in Umeå but it is common that additional presentations are given to other representatives of the company at their own location. Generally, results are publicized in the form of photographs, publications, web sites, etc.
Financial arrangements
Typically, the collaborating company provides financing to cover the costs of the external tutor, certain travelling costs for the students and material for model making. In some cases this financing has been replaced by the cooperating company providing their own professional design tutor or by offering other valuable input such as specific courses or workshops.
Success stories

Digital design vs. online crime
In collaboration with the police and youths, IxD students developed four digital solutions geared towards fighting online crime against children and young people.

A vision of mobility for tomorrow’s urban families
In a collaboration with Lynk & Co, TD1 students explored a range of mobility solutions for urban families in 2030.

Pioneering the next generation of intensive care units
The first few minutes and hours spent at an intensive care unit (ICU) can be vital. In a project with Getinge, APD2 students explored new design solutions for vital sign monitoring in an ICU.

Biodesign: Embracing Dystopia
In a challenge to develop speculative concepts designing with living things, students were asked to look into the future to explore how biodesign might shape our societies through the 21st century.
Want to collaborate?
If your company or institution is interested in collaborating with design students on an undergraduate or graduate level, please contact our Director of Strategic Collaboration.
Latest update: 2024-08-23