The Fellow will have the opportunity to use the facilities at UMF which is located in Norrbyn just 40 km south of Umeå. UMF hosts world-class marine research infrastructure and platforms including a state-of-the-art mesocosm suite, extensive aquaria experimental halls, several research vessels capable of year-round fieldwork, and a scientific diving team.
A two-year award of SEK 100,000 per annum will be granted to the Fellows to support their research project at UMF. In addition, the Fellows will be supported by an early-career intern with overlapping interests. The Fellows may develop their own project or join an on-going project already running or planned at UMF. The next Fellowship round is planned for spring 2026.
Borealis UMF Fellow eligibility
Early-career to full Professor applicants are eligible to apply. Applicants should have a current position as a marine scientist with an excellent research and publication record commensurate with career stage. You may, for example, have been awarded an independent fellowship or grant and are keen to expand the scope of that award with the Borealis UMF Fellowship. Applicants currently based at, or affiliated with, Umeå University are not eligible to apply.
Eligible funding costs
The Borealis UMF Fellowships provide 100,000 SEK per annum to support the proposed research project. Proposed costs might include:
Use of UMF facilities (e.g. mesocosms, scientific diving, research vessels, winter hovercraft)
Fieldwork travel & subsistence costs
Laboratory consumables and sample analyses
Conference participation
Full details about the available facilities and infrastructure at UMF can be found on our website here. We encourage you to discuss your proposal with us prior to submission for assistance in UMF costing estimates. The funding cannot be used towards salary costs.
Other costs covered in addition to the Fellowship award
Accommodation for the duration of the Fellow’s stay at UMF
Office space at UMF
Small boat use
Aquarium experimental halls and wet labs
Use of the UMF vehicles
Full technical support for all facilities and infrastructure
Research support from Borealis UMF Interns – competitively awarded in discussion with the Fellow, to assist with the proposed project for up to 3 months per annum
Borealis Fellowship application process
The following documents should be submitted as a single PDF by 2300CET on 1st of February 2026 to
1. Application statement (max 3 pages), to include:
Research Question and Objectives
How the proposed research goes beyond the state-of-the-art
How the proposed research progresses your current research
How the award can advance your career
Research dissemination plan – academic publications
2. CV (max 2 pages).
3. Publication list of research papers. Please only include papers already published or accepted.
Fellowship selection process
The Borealis UMF Fellow Selection Committee, including international representation, will review and rank applications after the submission deadline. Key assessment criteria will be:
Research excellence of the applicant
Potential for scientific advancement of frontier research
Potential for high impact dissemination
Mentorship and outputs
The Fellows and Interns will be appointed as Affiliated members of UMF and will benefit from access to all relevant UMF and Umeå University facilities, including the library. The Fellows and Intern will be appointed an on-site mentor to support project progression. and will be required to use their UMF affiliation address in any project outputs including publications, conference talks and outreach materials.