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Carina Lundberg
Charlotta Svonni

Charlotta Svonni is a doctor in history and education with a focus on Sámi and Indigenous education.


Christina Storm Mienna


Associate Professor of Odontology

Senior consultant dentist in Oral Physiology

Director of Várdduo - Centre for Sámi Research

Erik Törnlund
Gudrun Norstedt

I study forest history, primarily Sami historical use of land and resources.

Krister Stoor

Associate professor at the Department of Language Studies/Sámi dutkan. Intellectual Indigenous traditions are my research interests. 

Kristina Sehlin Macneil

I am an Associate Professor and a Researcher/Deputy Director at Várdduo and the Co-Director for FADC. My research interests include conflicts between extractive industries and Indigenous peoples.

Lena Maria Nilsson

Doctor of Public Health. Member of the research group Lávvuo – Research and Education for Sámi Health. Since 2013, I also work on research strategy at the Arctic Centre.

Maria Grånemo
Marja Labba
Per Axelsson

Associate professor in history.

Teacher representative, Umeå University board.

Scientific member of the Swedish Ethical Review Authority

Peter Sköld

I am professor of history, Sami culture and society development at Umeå University. I am advisor to the vice-chancellor in arctic and international issues, and Master of Ceremony at Umeå University.

Åsa Össbo

I am a researcher at Várdduo. My research intersts are social consequences of and conflicts over natural resource extraction, mainly hydropower production, in Indigenous peoples' areas.

Latest update: 2023-10-18