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Staff photo Peter Sköld

Peter Sköld

I am professor of history, Sami culture and society development at Umeå University. I am advisor to the vice-chancellor in arctic and international issues, and Master of Ceremony at Umeå University.

Research qualifications: Docent



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I am professor of history, Sami culture and society development at Umeå University, Sweden. From 2012 to 2020 I was director at the Centre for Arctic Research (ARCUM), and before that I was director at the Centre for Sami Research for twelve years. Now I am advisor to the vice-chancellor in arctic and international issues, and also Master of Ceremony at Umeå University.

My research profile includes Arctic sustainable development, historical demography, population statistics, indigenous health transitions and northern cultures. I have published monographies on various such as indigenous land use, hospital history, smallpox and vaccination and population statistics, and was one of the authors of Arctic Human Development Report II.

I have an active engagement in Arctic research planning, in stakeholder cooperation, and international collaboration. I am chair of the Board of Governors of the University of the Arctic (UArctic), and former president of the International Arctic Social Sciences Association (IASSA), and past-chair of WG Human and Social Sciences in the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC), I am also Swedish delegate of Arctic Council Culture, Economy and Geography Expert Group (SECEG). In 2015 I was appointed Honorary Consul of Västerbotten to Latvia and in 2016 I was appointed official Climate Ambassador of Västerbotten. I am currently responsible for the cooperation within the Arctic Five, including University of Lapland, University of Oulu, UIT – the Arctic University of Norway, Luleå University of Technology, and Umeå University.

I have been active in many different research areas, and have more than 500 presentations at national and international conferences, symposia and workshops behind me. In my early research career historical demography was in focus, and especially the mortality decline during the epidemiologic transition. In particular I was interested in the severe epidemic diseases, such as smallpox. This led to studies on the fantastic written sources Sweden has over its population, which resulted in a book on the Table Commission. Parallel to these studies I was also doing research on Sami history and culture, and in 2003 I was appointed director at the Sami Research Centre at Umeå University.

During the past ten years I have been occupied with arctic research in general and international cooperation in particular. As director of Arcum I together with my co-workers have established a research arena that today is one of the most extensive in the circumpolar region.

The demography of disasters: impacts for population and place, Cham: Springer 2021 : 81-99
Carson, Dean B.; Carson, Doris A.; Axelsson, Per; et al.
The politics of Arctic resources: change and continuity in the "Old North" of Northern Europe, London: Routledge 2019 : 119-139
Axelsson, Per; Sköld, Peter; Röver, Corinna
The Polar Journal, Routledge 2018, Vol. 8, (2) : 422-424
Sköld, Peter
The Interconnected Arctic: UArctic Congress 2016, Springer 2017 : 107-113
Sköld, Peter
The Lancet, Elsevier 2016, Vol. 388, (10040) : 131-157
Anderson, Ian; Robson, Bridget; Connolly, Michele; et al.
A global snapshot of indigenous and tribal peoples' health: the Lancet–Lowitja Institute collaboration, Carlton South, Victoria, Australia: The Lowitja Institute 2016 : 46-47
Axelsson, Per; Sköld, Peter; Tano, Sofia
International Journal of Circumpolar Health, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD 2016, Vol. 75 : 56-56
Bergkvist, Per Henrik; Jacobsson, Lars; Kling, Sofia; et al.
Energy Research & Social Science, Vol. 16 : 13-24
Carson, Dean B.; Carson, Doris A.; Nordin, Gabriella; et al.
Comparative Population Studies, Vol. 41, (3-4) : 1-29
Carson, Dean B.; Carson, Doris A.; Porter, Rob; et al.
Settlements at the edge: remote human settlements in developed nations, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing 2016 : 357-378
Carson, Dean B.; Sköld, Peter; Carson, Doris A.; et al.
Dagens Nyheter
Allard, Christina; Axelsson, Per; Brännlund, Isabelle; et al.
Under the same sun: parallel issues and mutual challenges for San and Sami peoples and research, Umeå: Vaartoe/Centre for Sami Research (CeSam), Umeå University 2015 : 51-60
Sköld, Peter
The new Arctic, Cham: Springer 2015 : 39-55
Sköld, Peter
City-Saami: Same i byen eller bysame? Skandinaviske byer i et samisk perspektiv, Kárášjohka: ČálliidLágádusas 2015 : 31-57
Sköld, Peter; Nordin, Gabriella
Under the same sun: parallel issues and mutual challenges for San and Sami peoples and research, Umeå: Vaartoe/Centre for Sami Research (CeSam), Umeå University 2015 : 193-197
Sköld, Peter; Sandström, Moa; Bolaane, Maitseo
Skrifter från Centrum för samisk forskning, 22
Sköld, Peter; Sandström, Moa; Bolaane, Maitseo
Under the same sun: parallel issues and mutual challenges for San and Sami peoples and research, Umeå: Vaartoe/Centre for Sami Research (CeSam), Umeå University 2015 : 1-16
Sköld, Peter; Sandström, Moa; Bolaane, Maitseo
Polar Geography, Vol. 37, (2) : 157-176
Nordin, Gabriella; Sköld, Peter
Arctic human development report: regional processes and global linkages, Köpenhamn: Nordic Council of Ministers 2014 : 105-150
Schweitzer, Peter; Sköld, Peter; Ulturgasheva, Olga
Международная конференция представителей государств - членов Арктического совета, стран - наблюдателей Арктического совета и зарубежной научной общественности: "Актуальные проблемы устойчивого развития и обеспечения безопасности в Арктике", Нарьян-Мар, 5-7 августа 2014 года = International Conference of Representatives of the States-Members of the Arctic Council, the States-Observers to the Arctic Council and the Foreign Scientific Community : Topical Problems of Sustainable Development and Security Maintenance in the Arctic, Naryan-Mar, 5-7 August, 2014, Moskow: Arctic Council Office 2014 : 104-105
Sköld, Peter
Umeå 1314-2014: 100 berättelser om 700 år, Skellefteå: Artos & Norma bokförlag 2013 : 321-324
Sköld, Peter
The History of the Family, Routledge 2012, Vol. 17, (2) : 157-177
Nordin, Gabriella; Sköld, Peter
Långa perspektiv: samisk forskning och traditionell forskning, Umeå: Centrum för samisk forskning 2012 : 7-12
Sköld, Peter
Rivers to cross: Sami land use and the human dimension, Umeå: Vaartoe, Centrum för samisk forskning, Umeå universitet 2012 : 179-198
Sköld, Peter
Skrifter från Centrum för samisk forskning, 18
Sköld, Peter
Vid foten av fjället: forskning om samernas historia och samhälle, Umeå: Centrum för samisk forskning, Umeå universitet 2012 : 7-9
Sköld, Peter
Rivers to cross: Sami land use and the human dimension, Umeå: Vaartoe, Centrum för samisk forskning, Umeå universitet 2012 : 7-13
Sköld, Peter; Moen, Jon
Skrifter från Centrum för samisk forskning, 16
Sköld, Peter; Stoor, Krister
Skrifter från Centrum för samisk forskning, 17
Sköld, Peter; Stoor, Krister
Indigenous peoples and demography: the complex relation between identity and statistics, Oxford and New York: Berghahn Books 2011 : 1-14
Axelsson, Per; Sköld, Peter
Oxford and New York: Berghahn Books 2011
Axelsson, Per; Sköld, Peter
Indigenous peoples and demography: the complex relation between identity and statistics, Oxford: Berghahn Books 2011 : 295-308
Axelsson, Per; Sköld, Peter; Anderson, David, G.; et al.
Snow, Water, Ice and Permafrost in the Arctic (SWIPA): Climate Change and the Cryosphere, Oslo: Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme 2011 : 4:1-4:58
Callaghan, Terry V.; Johansson, Margareta; Brown, Ross D.; et al.
Ambio, Vol. 40 : 32-45
Callaghan, Terry V.; Johansson, Margareta; Brown, Ross D.; et al.
Jag är same, Umeå: Västerbottens läns hembygdsförbund 2011 : 114-128
Sköld, Peter
Jordbruk och skogsbruk i Sverige sedan år 1900: studier av de areella näringarnas geografi och historia, Stockholm: Kungl. Skogs- och Lantbruksakademien 2011 : 452-467
Sköld, Peter
Agriculture and forestry in Sweden since 1900: geographical and historical studies, Stockholm: Kungl. Skogs- och Lantbruksakademien 2011 : 475-491
Sköld, Peter
Global Health Action, Häggeby: Co-Action Publishing 2011, Vol. 4 : 8441-
Sköld, Peter; Axelsson, Per; Karlsson, Lena; et al.
Inclusion through education and culture: Fourth Annual Conference of the University Network of the European Capitals of Culture jointly organized with the Compostela Group of Universities, Pécs: UNeECC 2010 : 201-209
Sköld, Peter
Anthropology News, American Anthropological Association 2010, Vol. 51, (5) : 10-12
Ziker, John; Axelsson, Per; Sköld, Peter; et al.
The 26th IUSSP International Population Conference, Marrakech, 27 september-2 october 2009
Axelsson, Per; Sköld, Peter; Lena, Karlsson; et al.
Journal of Northern Studies, Umeå: Umeå University & The Royal Skyttean Society 2009, (2) : 127-129
Sköld, Peter
Tvärsnitt, Stockholm: Vetenskapsrådet 2009, (4) : 16-19
Sköld, Peter
Thule: Kungl. Skytteanska Samfundets Årsbok 2009, Umeå: Kungl. Skytteanska Samfundet 2009 : 187-2001
Sköld, Peter
Looking North: Representations of Sámi in Visual Arts and Literature, Umeå: Kungl. Skytteanska Samfundet 2008 : 175-183
Sköld, Peter
Looking North. : Representations of Sámi in Visual Arts and Literature, Umeå: Kungl. Skytteanska Samfundet 2008 : 165-173
Sköld, Peter
Fjärde världen, Solna: Föreningen Fjärde världen 2008, Vol. 24, (3) : 22-25
Sköld, Peter
Skrifter från Centrum för samisk forskning, 11
Sköld, Peter
International Journal of Circumpolar Health, Oulu: International Association of Circumpolar Health Publishers 2008, Vol. 67, (1) : 29-44
Sköld, Peter; Axelsson, Per
Skrifter från Centrum för samisk forskning, 7
Frånberg, Per; Sköld, Peter; Axelsson, Per

Research projects

1 January 2021 until 31 December 2023
1 July 2005 until 30 June 2010
1 July 2005 until 30 June 2006
1 January 2004 until 30 June 2007
31 October 2002 until 31 December 2006
26 March 2002 until 31 December 2006
Published: 11 Feb, 2021
Published: 21 Jan, 2021
Published: 09 Mar, 2020
Published: 05 Mar, 2020
Published: 22 Nov, 2019
Published: 01 Oct, 2019
Published: 25 Feb, 2019
Published: 27 Aug, 2018
Published: 02 Jul, 2018