The Winter Conference in Statistics has been organized by Umeå University since 1968 at various places in the Swedish mountains.
27 Jan - 1 Feb, Hemavan
Theme: Multivariat statistisk analys
Speaker: Lennart Råde
Course participants/Other participants: 18/12
25 - 31 Jan, Hemavan
Theme: Optimeringsmetoder med statistisk anknytning
Speaker: Mats Rudemo
Course participants/Other participants: 26/15
28 Feb - 7 March, Ammarnäs
Theme: Förgreningsprocesser
Speaker: Peter Jagers
Course participants/Other participants: 33/16
26 Feb - 4 March, Ammarnäs
Theme: Utvecklingslinjer inom klassisk och Bayesiansk inferens
Speaker: Christer Weibull
Course participants/Other participants: 34/25
24 Feb - 3 March, Hemavan
Theme: Statistisk analys av tidsserier
Speaker: Georg Lindgren
Course participants/Other participants: 45/44
16 - 23 Feb, Kittelfjäll
Theme: Reglerteknik ur statistisk synvinkel
Speaker: Karl Johan Åström
Course participants/Other participants: 45/49
15 - 22 Feb, Borgafjäll
Theme: Sekvensanalys
Speaker: Sture Holm
Course participants/Other participants: 32/52
20 - 27 March, Borgafjäll
Theme: Statistiska problem vid efterfrågeanalys
Speaker: Anders Klevmarken
Course participants/Other participants: 45/69
12 - 19 March, Ammarnäs
Theme: Statistiska modeller och metoder i demografi
Speaker: Jan M Hoem
Course participants/Other participants: 35/31
11 - 18 March, Ammarnäs
Theme: Biometriska metoder inom den epidemiologiska forskningen
Speaker: Olli Miettinen
Course participants/Other participants: 43/35
31 March - 7 April, Hemavan
Theme: Statistisk tillförlitlighetsteori
Speakers: Lennart Råde, Bo Bergman
Course participants/Other participants: 40/22
22 - 29 March, Kittelfjäll
Theme: Stickprovsteori: aktuella utvecklingstendenser i teori och praktik
Speaker: Ib Thomsen
Course participants/Other participants: 20/14
21 - 28 March, Tärnaby
Theme: Operationsanalys
Speakers: Sven Erlander, Anders Holvid, Lennart Råde
Course participants/Other participants: 35/28
1 - 8 May, Riksgränsen
Theme: Aktuella problem och resultat inom surveyområdet
Speakers: Carl-Erik Särndal, Ulf Jorner, Håkan Lindström
Course participants/Other participants: 42/19
12 - 19 March, Duved
Theme: Inferensens grunder
Speakers: Søren Johansen, Daniel Thorburn, Marianne Frisen, Martin Edman
Course participants/Other participants: 34/21
24 - 31 March, Ammarnäs
Theme: Spatial statistik
Speakers: Brian D Ripley, Bo Ranneby
Course participants/Other participants: 28/20
3 - 10 March, Dundret
Theme: Analys av diskreta data
Speakers: Anders Ekholm, Juni Palmgren
Course participants/Other participants: 40/25
5 - 12 April, Borgafjäll
Theme: Frekvensdomänmetoder i dynamiska modeller
Speaker: Andrew C Harvey
Course participants/Other participants: 42/13
28 March - 4 April, Kittelfjäll
Theme: Simulering i teori och praktik
Speakers: Lennart Bondesson, Leif Gustafsson, Martin Härnqvist
Course participants/Other participants: 52/18
12 - 19 March, Kittelfjäll
Theme: Design and Analysis of Experiments
Speakers: Stuart Hunter, Svante Wold, Nouna Kettaneh
Course participants/Other participants: 55/15
11 - 18 March, Kittelfjäll
Theme: Computational Statistics
Speakers: William F Eddy, Sture Holm
Course participants/Other participants: 41/22
3 - 10 March, Ammarnäs
Theme: Statistisk grafik
Speaker: James M Landwehr
Course participants/Other participants: 49/38
3 - 10 March, Ammarnäs
Theme: Statistisk processkontroll
Speaker: James M Lucas
Course participants/Other participants: 57/38
7 - 14 March, Kittelfjäll
Theme: Sensitivity Analysis in Linear Regression
Speakers: Ali S Hadi, Urban Hjorth
Course participants/Other participants: 56/11
6 - 13 March, Hemavan
Valerie Isham - Kaos och statistik
Lai K Chan - Statistik och industriproduktion
Per Kragh Andersen - Statistik och vetenskaplig forskning
Peter J Diggle - Statistik och miljö
Course participants/Other participants: 51/26
5 - 12 March, Hemavan
Theme: Statistiska metoder i epidemiologi och klinisk prövning
Speaker: Hans Wedel
Course participants/Other participants: 46/12
4 - 11 March, Hemavan
Theme: Bootstrap in Theory and Practice
Speakers: David Hinkley, Urban Hjorth, Sture Holm, Thomas E Burk
Course participants/Other participants: 80/29
9 - 16 March, Hemavan
Theme: Regression and Regression Graphics
Speakers: Dennis Cook, Simo Puntanen, Dietrich von Rosen
Course participants/Other participants: 55/19
1 - 8 March, Hemavan
Theme: Time Series Analysis with Applications
Speakers: Chris Chatfield, Georg Lindgren
Course participants/Other participants: 59/10
28 Feb - 7 March, Hemavan
Theme: Spatial Statistics with Environmental Applications
Speakers: Andrew Lawson, John Öhrvik
Course participants/Other participants: 48/9
6 - 13 March, Hemavan
Theme: Markov Chain Monte Carlo with Applications
Speakers: Håvard Rue, Finn Lindgren
Course participants/Other participants: 50/8
4 - 11 March, Ammarnäs
Theme: Analysis of Categorical Data
Speakers: James Lindsey, Jari Haukka
Course participants/Other participants: 56/15
31 - 10 March, Ammarnäs
Theme: Data Mining and Statistics
Speakers: William F. Eddy, Nils Lid Hjort
Course participants/Other participants: 57/21
10-15 March, Hemavan
Theme: Mixed Effects Models
Speakers: Douglas Bates, Anders Källén
Course participants/Other participants: 57/8
2 – 7 March, Ammarnäs
Theme: Bioinformatics and Likelihood Methods
Speakers: Ola Hössjer, Yudi Pawitan
Course participants/Other participants: 52/19
7 – 12 March, Klimpfjäll
Theme: New Statistical Methods in Epidemiology
Speakers: Niels Keiding, Per Kragh Andersen
Course participants/Other participants: 53/9
6 – 11 March, Klimpfjäll
Theme: Applied Functional Data Analysis & Small Worlds and Stochastic Networks
Speakers: Jim Ramsay, Olle Häggström
Course participants/Other participants: 47/18
5 – 10 March, Borgafjäll
Theme: Graphical Models and Causality
Speakers: Thomas Richardson, Nanny Wermuth
Course participants/Other participants: 40/20
4 – 8 March, Borgafjäll
Theme: Survey Sampling - Theory and Applications
Speakers: Sharon Lohr, Yves Tillé
Course participants/Other participants: 43/20
2 – 6 March, Borgafjäll
David Balding - Statistics and the Law
Martin Kulldorff - Statistics and Disease Surveillance
Keith Worsley - Statistics and Brain Imaging
Course participants/Other participants: 39/17
7 – 11 March, Storhogna
Theme: Statistics and Climate
Speakers: Douglas Nychka, Richard Smith, Caitlin Buck, Andrew Parnell
Course participants/Other participants: 45/20
6 - 10 March, Hemavan
Theme: Incomplete Data - Semi-parametric and Bayesian Methods
Speakers: John Copas, Mark van der Laan, Mike Daniels
Course participants/Other participants: 39/16
3-7 March, Borgafjäll
Theme: Compressed Sensing - Theory and Applications
Speakers: Holger Rauhut, Volkan Cevher
Course participants/Other participants: 24/7
8-12 March, Borgafjäll
Theme: Advances in Statistics for Register-Based Research: Propensity Score and Instrumental Variable Methods
Speakers: Elisabeth A. Stuart, Kusuke Imai, Martin Huber
Course participants/Other participants: 44/9
12-16 March, Åre
Theme: Statistical Analyses of Big and High Dimensional Data - approached by Generalized Additive Models and Functional Data Analysis
Speakers: Jane-Ling Wang, Simon Wood
Course participants/Other participants: 48
10-14 March, Hemavan
Theme: Machine Learning
Speakers: Corinna Cortes, Edward Kennedy, Mattias Villani
Course participants/Other participants: 62/4
10-14 March, Hemavan
Theme: Mathematical Foundations of AI & Statistical Learning
Speakers: Kjersti Aas, Guido Montúfar
Course participants/Other participants: 45/1