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Design Philosophy for Things That Change

Forskningsprojekt Syftet med detta projekt är att utveckla en designfilosofi för saker som förändras: en filosofisk och estetisk grund som bildar och informerar en designpraxis som är kapabel att konceptuellt hantera komplexiteten i de sociotekniska landskap som vi skapar genom nätverksbaserad informationsteknik.

Det är av yttersta vikt att vi tar itu med grundläggande frågor kring den roll innovativa teknologier och system spelar i våra liv idag. En av de centrala frågorna för design, med avseende på de nätverksbaserade digitala produkter som ligger i framkant av teknisk forskning och utveckling, är därför att vi utvecklar en förmåga att matcha tekniskt driv med den konceptuella och metodologiska utveckling som krävs för att förstå dem – och deras konsekvenser – i en mänsklig kontext.


Heather Wiltse
090-786 88 39



2018-07-01 2022-12-31

Medverkande institutioner och enheter vid Umeå universitet



In English:

The purpose of this project is to develop a design philosophy for things that change: a philosophical and aesthetical foundation that forms and informs a design practice capable of conceptually handling the complexity of the evolving sociotechnical landscapes we now create using massively networked computational technology, artificial intelligence and similar technologies that allow us to create things, services and systems that change over time in response to our actions.

The things we live with are changing in significant ways—changing their own forms and functions dynamically over time and across contexts; changing the ways we relate to things and what we expect of them; changing the ways they relate to each other; and changing our practices in relation to them. They are, in many senses, changing things.

Understanding the character and scope of these changes is an important challenge, arguably one of the next big challenges for design and related fields. And changing things in directions that are amenable to human flourishing and desirable forms of life is an associated challenge and responsibility that we now face.

There is, then, both tremendous opportunity and responsibility when it comes to making sense of this landscape of changing things, and finding and articulating the foundations that can support responsible innovation, education, and research in relation to them. This requires thinking in new ways—building on existing perspectives to be sure, but also recognising when they break down and no longer adequately account for things that are qualitatively different from what has gone before.

In order to see and understand the new, it will not do to think only in terms of the old. We need new conceptual frames, methodological approaches, and discursive strategies within design, philosophy, and the social sciences in order to do justice to what is at stake and urgently calls for our attention and care.

Senast uppdaterad: 2022-01-26