Anna-Britt Coe, docent vid Sociologiska institutionen, Umeå universitet håller i seminariet med titeln:
The Role of the Everyday in Activism
Anna-Britt forskar om sociala rörelser och aktivistorganisationer, hur dessa grupperingar mobiliserar sig och påverkar samhälle och politik.
Seminariet kommer att ges på engelska.
In this seminar, I want to discuss with you a reoccurring theme in my research: the role of the everyday in activism. This theme could also be formulated as a problem of how to study non-strategic action (i.e. routine, everyday behavior) in a strategic action field (i.e. collective action, social movements). I will draw upon different cases globally to illustrate this, especially from my research on feminism in Peru/Ecuador, and activism on safe public spaces in Sweden.
I have a presentation to share so no preparation or knowledge of this topic is needed beforehand. During the presentation, please feel free to critique my understanding of this problem, point out what I am missing in terms of solutions and/or give feedback on what future direction to take. For me, I see this as a terrific opportunity to step back from various, discrete texts that I have worked on and understand the connections between them.