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Humlab Share: Geovisualizing the Description of Greece

Tid Tisdag 12 maj, 2020 kl. 13:00 - 15:00
Plats ZOOM

Welcome to the interim demonstration of Digital Periegesis Project, where humanities, ancient travel geographies, semantic analyses, GIS, networks and storytelling are coming together.


During this meeting, Anna Foka will be introducing the almost 2,000 years old, ten-volume travelogue Periegesis Hellados (Description of Greece) by the geographer Pausanias of Magnesia and how her team is digitally annotating this extensive text in terms of people, places, events, relations and time. Cenk Demiroglu will then follow up to showcase how different applications such as Recogito, Nodegoat, ArcGIS, Dariah, Palladio, Gephi are helping visualize the annotation data spatially, temporally and socially.

This session is held in ZOOM. Sign up for the event to receive a link to the ZOOM-meeting. 

Arrangör: Humlab
Evenemangstyp: Seminarium
Personalbild Cenk Demiroglu
Cenk Demiroglu
Läs om Cenk Demiroglu
Jon Svensson
Läs om Jon Svensson
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