Oslo Cancer Cluster is an oncology research and industry cluster dedicated to improving the lives of cancer patients by accelerating the development of new cancer diagnostics and treatment. This work of course has it´s challenges.
One challenge in cancer treatments is to give the right medicine to the right patient at the right time. This is called precision medicine and means that cancer treatments can to a greater extent be tailored to the individual patient. Another big challenge is to shorten the development time for new cancer medicines. The corona pandemic has shown us that it is possible to quickly develop new treatments, initiate clinical studies and gather data. The analysis of health data will be essential for the development and approval of new treatments. A third challenge is how we involve the cancer patient in their own treatment. During this seminar Ketil Widerberg (CEO) and Øyvind Kongstun Arnesen (Chairman of the Board) will give you insights into how Oslo Cancer Cluster is working to address these challenges and more.
Innan seminariet kommer det vara ett lunchmöte med några forskare där ni gärna får ansluta.