Fredag 15 mars till måndag 25 mars, 2024kl. 12:00 - 12:00
Skyltfönstret, Renmarksesplanaden 1, Umeå.
Kalliopi Akonidou
Storlek: 130 x 150 cm Medium : Kol på papper
"Most of the times, people tend to forget how important for human being is the conservation and the improvement of natural environment.
Despite the fact that environmental losses are many and irreparable , at the same time, the lack of respect is rapidly growing.
As the years go by, we tent to lose our connection with the Nature, ending up of having completely ignorance on how our choices affect the environment.
Our future existence depends directly on the long term viability of the earth.
As a result, I strongly believe that it is our duty to reconsider our attitude towards the earth and never forget that in order to continue surviving, we must learn to respect everything coexist with us."