Clare Ardern gästföreläser på vår seminarieserie om ’How the mind matters for return to sport: simple strategies to support readiness to return’
Clare Ardern is an experienced international researcher in the field of sports injuries and management, particularly ACL rupture, and with over hundreds of publications. She has worked in Australia where she had her thesis in orthopaedic sports medicine, but later also in Sweden, Qatar and is at present in Canada. She has >30 keynote/invited conference presentations, international awards and is also currently Editor-in-Chief for J of Orthopaedic & Sports Phys Ther. Clare is going to be opponent on a thesis by Adam Grinberg to be presented on Friday Feb 10th, at 9. AM
Målet med seminarieserien är att öka kunskap, samverkan och erfarenhetsutbyte inom och mellan olika ämnen och områden.