Sheelagh Daniels-Mayes - Culturally Responsive Research
Onsdag 16 oktober, 2019kl. 13:30 - 15:00
Faepmie - Fatmomakke, Norra beteendevetarhuset, plan 4
Dr Sheelagh Daniels-Mayes, University of Sydney, will hold a seminar on Community-Led Research (CLR) from an Australian perspective, including issues such as: purpose of research; data sovereignty and data analysis - including secondary analysis by research participants. Sheelagh will use the method of Critical Praxis Research to enact a critical consciousness around culturally responsive research undertaken with Aboriginal peoples and their communities in South Australia.
Dr Sheelagh Daniels-Mayes, University of Sydney is a Kamilaroi woman who joined the Sydney School of Education and Social Work in 2017 as a Fellow in the Wingara Mura Leadership Program. In 2016, Sheelagh completed her doctorate titled: Culturally Responsive Pedagogies of Success: Improving educational outcomes for Australian Aboriginal students, at the University of South Australia. Her thesis infused Culturally Responsive Pedagogy with Critical Race Theory. She has studied in the areas of education, criminology and psychology. Sheelagh undertakes research into cultural responsiveness, racism-awareness, and equitable pathways to education.