Learnings from over 50 interviews with world-renowned designers and artists working with science and technology. Told through personal conversations with today’s top design practitioners, Design Nonfiction examines how design has evolved with digital technology, and how it will be forced to further adapt in response to a new wave of emerging technology including advanced robotics, synthetic biology and artificial intelligence.
Important: Participants are expected to pre-watch a talk (47min) by UID alumnus Matt Cottam as preparation for the workshop. Here’s the link: https://vimeo.com/409580008
When: Sept 16 (15.00-16.45). Where: https://umu.zoom.us/j/65178533903?pwd=L1JpTmF4NkRZQldYaUhwc0lHVTdyQT09 All students and staff are welcome to join.