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Publicerad: 2015-08-19


NYHET A. actinomycetemcomitans-forskarna vid Institutionen för odontologi, på Umeå universitet anordnar detta minisymposium i avsikt att sammanföra och öka samverkan mellan forskargrupper som använder denna organism som modell i olika studier, inklusive kliniska och epidemiologiska studier, infektions och molekylärbiologi, samt antibiotikaresistens och biokemi.

The researchers on A. actinomycetemcomitans at department of Odontology, Umeå University is organizing this minisymposium to bring together and increase interaction between groups using this organism as a model in different disciplines including clinical and epidemiological studies, infectious and molecular biology, antibiotic resistance, and biochemistry.

Confirmed invited external speakers:

Dorte Haubek, DDS, PhD, Dr.Odont, Aarhus University, DK

Niels Nørskov-Lauritsen, MD, PhD, Aarhus University, DK

Anne Birkeholm Jensen, PhD-student, Aarhus University, DK

George Belibasakis, DDS, MSc, PhD, University of Zürich, Switzerland

Nagi Bostanci, senior researcher, University of Zürich, Switzerland

Riikka Ihalin, senior researcher, Turku University, Finland

Heidi Tuominen, postdoc, Turku University, Finland

Tuuli Ahlstrand, PhD student, Turku University, Finland

Local senior researchers participating in the symposium:

Anders Johansson, Jan Oscarsson, Rolf Claesson, Carola Höglund-Åberg, and Peyman Kelk.

Topics to be presented and discussed include:

Age-related prevalence of the JP2 and the non-JP2 genotype, Geographic dissemination of highly leukotoxic genotypes and implications for periodontal health, Carriage of Aa and periodontal status in Danish adolescents, Aa and HACEK-infectious endocarditis, Interactions of Aa in multispecies oral biofilms, Molecular background of uptake of host cytokines and extracellular DNA by Aa biofilm, Structural studies of potential virulence proteins, How Aa senses and interferes inflammation reaction, Aa membrane vesicles in offense and defense.

This scientific event is supported by grants from the Medical Faculty, Umeå University.