Seminarium om supply chain management och hållbarhet
Monica Macquet från Rennes School of Business diskuterar sitt papper med titeln Sustainable purchasing and supply management: A structured literature review of definitions and measures at the dyad, chain and network levels. Seminariet är på engelska.
Monica håller ett seminarium med titeln Research scope and practice in Supply Chain Management for Sustainable Development och presenterar sitt papper Sustainable purchasing and supply management: A structured literature review of definitions and measures at the dyad, chain and network levels, publicerat i Supply Chain Management: An International Journal in 2012.
Monica Macquet received her Ph.D. in December 2007 at the Stockholm School of Economics and is co-founder of SuRe and Sea-SuRe at SSE. In her thesis she investigated partnerships for sustainable development between different stakeholders. She now lives in France and lecture in sustainable development, corporate social responsibility - CSR and business ethics at Rennes School of Business situated in Brittany, where she also take part in the development of a Global Observatory on Biodiversity and Business and has also written the Global Compact report of the school. She has been a member of the board of Economists for the Environment and worked with sustainability in co-operatives.
Monica can be reached at: or
The seminar is part of the RiseB seminar series and is available in the calendar here.