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Anders Nordin
Vetenskaplig meritering:
090-786 52 64
070-239 11 33
Verksam vid
Professor vid
Institutionen för tillämpad fysik och elektronik
X, Håken Gullessons väg 20, Teknikhuset, TEK.C.403
Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå
Off-gassing from pilot-scale torrefied pine wood chips: impact of torrefaction severity, cooling technology, and storage time
Fuel processing technology
, Elsevier 2020, Vol. 202
Borén, Eleonora; Pommer, Linda; Nordin, Anders; et al.
Combined effects of torrefaction and pelletization parameters on the quality of pellets produced from torrefied biomass
Applied Energy
, Elsevier 2017, Vol. 191 : 414-424
Rudolfsson, Magnus; Borén, Eleonora; Pommer, Linda; et al.
Entrained flow gasification of torrefied lignocellulosic biomass
Papers of the 24TH European Biomass Conference: Setting the Course for a Biobased Economy
, Amsterdam: ETA Florence Renewable Energies 2016 : 1138-1142
Khwaja, Salik; Weiland, Fredrik; Pettersson, Esbjorn; et al.
Effects of temperature and residence time on continuous torrefaction of spruce wood
Fuel processing technology
, Vol. 134 : 387-398
Strandberg, Martin; Olofsson, Ingemar; Pommer, Linda; et al.
Syngas production by combined biomass gasification and in situ biogas reforming
Energy & Fuels
, Vol. 29, (6) : 3725-3731
Åberg, Katarina; Pommer, Linda; Nordin, Anders
NIR provides excellent predictions of properties of biocoal from torrefaction and pyrolysis of biomass
Green Chemistry
, Vol. 16, (12) : 4906-4913
Lestander, Torbjörn A.; Rudolfsson, Magnus; Pommer, Linda; et al.
Powder characteristics of torrefied and pelletized biomass
Impacts of Fuel Quality on Power Production October 26 –31, 2014, Snowbird, Utah, USA, 2014
Strandberg, Martin; Nordin, Anders; Kollberg, Kristoffer
Entrained flow gasification of torrefied wood residues
Fuel processing technology
, Vol. 125 : 51-58
Weiland, Fredrik; Nordwaeger, Martin; Olofsson, Ingemar; et al.
Quality assurance of torrefied biomass using RGB, visual and near infrared (hyper) spectral image data
Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy
, Vol. 22, (2) : 129-139
Wiklund Lindström, Susanne; Nilsson, David; Nordin, Anders; et al.
Defining the temperature regime of gaseous degradation products of Norway spruce
21nd European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, Copenhagen, June, 2013, ETA Florens Renewable Energies, 2013
Borén, Eleonora; Broström, Markus; Kajsa, Werner; et al.
Analysing biomass torrefaction supply chain costs
Bioresource Technology
, Vol. 142 : 287-296
Svanberg, Martin; Olofsson, Ingemar; Flodén, Jonas; et al.
Influence of torrefaction on the devolatilization and oxidation kinetics of wood
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis
, Vol. 96 : 100-109
Brostrom, Markus; Nordin, Anders; Pommer, Linda; et al.
Biomass conversion through torrefaction
Technologies for converting biomass to useful energy: combustion, gasification, pyrolysis, torrefaction and fermentation
, CRC Press 2012 : 217-244
Nordin, Anders; Pommer, Linda; Olofsson, Ingemar; et al.
Stove performance and emission characteristics in residential wood log and pellet combustion: Part 1: Pellet stoves
Energy & Fuels
, American Chemical Society 2011, Vol. 25, (1) : 307-314
Boman, Christoffer; Pettersson, Esbjörn; Westerholm, Roger; et al.
Stove performance and emission characteristics in residential wood log and pellet combustion: Part 2: Wood stove
Energy & Fuels
, American Chemical Society 2011, Vol. 25, (1) : 315-323
Pettersson, Esbjörn; Boman, Christoffer; Westerholm, Roger; et al.
Process and system integration aspects of biomass torrefaction
18th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition: Proceedings
Håkansson, Katarina; Nordin, Anders; Nordwaeger, Martin; et al.
Design Changes in a Fixed-Bed Pellet Combustion Device: Effects of Temperature and Residence Time on Emission Performance
Energy & Fuels
, American Chemical Society (ACS) 2010, Vol. 24, (2) : 1333-1340
Pettersson, Esbjörn; Lindmark, Fredrik; Öhman, Marcus; et al.
Mechanisms behind the positive effects on bed agglomeration and deposit formation combusting forest residue with peat additives in fluidized beds
Energy & Fuels
, American Chemical Society 2009, Vol. 23, (9) : 4245-4253
Pommer, Linda; Öhman, Marcus; Boström, Dan; et al.
Torrefaction and Gasification of Hydrolysis Residue
16th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition: Proceedings
Håkansson, Katarina; Olofsson, Ingemar; Persson, Kristoffer; et al.
Soil Remediation – Mercury Speciation in Soil and Vapor Phase During Thermal Treatment
Water, Air and Soil Pollution
, Springer 2008, Vol. 193, (1-4) : 155-163
Taube, Fabian; Pommer, Linda; Larsson, Tom; et al.
Sulfation of corrosive alkali chlorides by ammonium sulfate in a biomass fired CFB boiler
Fuel processing technology
, Amsterdam: Elsevier Bv 2007, Vol. 88, (11-12) : 1171-1177
Broström, Markus; Kassman, Håkan; Helgesson, Anna; et al.
Effects of non-quartz minerals in natural bed sand on agglomeration characteristics during fluidized bed combustion of biomass fuels
Energy & Fuels
, American Chemical Society 2007, Vol. 21, (5) : 2663-2668
de Geyter, Sigrid; Öhman, Marcus; Boström, Dan; et al.
Determination of thermodynamic properties of Na
S using solid-state EMF measurements
Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics
, Elsevier 2007, Vol. 39, (1) : 44-48
Lindberg, Gustav; Larsson, Anders; Råberg, Mathias; et al.
Fate of Cu, Cr and As during combustion of impregnated wood with and without peat additive
Environmental Science and Technology
, American Chemical Society 2007, Vol. 41, (18) : 6534-6540
Lundholm, Karin; Boström, Dan; Nordin, Anders; et al.
Trace element speciation in combustion processes: review and compilatons of thermodynamic data
Fuel processing technology
, Amsterdam: Elsevier 2007, Vol. 88, (11-12) : 1061-1070
Lundholm, Karin; Nordin, Anders; Backman, Rainer
High temperature corrosion in a 65 MW waste to energy plant
Fuel processing technology
, Elsevier B.V. 2007, Vol. 88, (11-12) : 1178-1182
Persson, Kristoffer; Broström, Markus; Carlsson, Jörgen; et al.
Influence of black liquor variability, combustion, and gasification process variables and inaccuracies in thermochemical data on equilibrium modeling results
Energy & Fuels
, Washington: American Chemical Society (ACS) 2006, Vol. 20, (1) : 359-363
Larsson, Anders; Nordin, Anders; Backman, Rainer; et al.
High-temperature aerosol formation in wood pellets flames: Spatially resolved measurements
Combustion and Flame
, Vol. 147, (4) : 278-293
Wiinikka, Henrik; Gebart, Rikard; Boman, Christoffer; et al.
Bed agglomeration characteristics of wood-derived fuels in FBC
Energy & Fuels
, Washington: American Chemical Society (ACS) 2006, Vol. 20, (2) : 818-824
Zevenhoven-Onderwater, Maria; Öhman, Marcus; Skrifvars, Bengt-Johan; et al.
Evaluation of a constant volume sampling set-up for residential biomass fired appliances: influence of dilution conditions on particulate and PAH emissions
Biomass and Bioenergy
, Elsevier 2005, Vol. 29, (4) : 258-268
Boman, Christoffer; Nordin, Anders; Westerholm, Roger; et al.
Bed agglomeration characteristics and mechanisms during gasification and combustion of biomass fuels
Energy & Fuels
, Vol. 19, (4) : 1742-1748
Pommer, Linda; Öhman, Marcus; Nordin, Anders
Characterization of inorganic particulate matter from residential combustion of pelletized biomass fuels
Energy and Fuels
, ACS publications 2004, Vol. 18, (2) : 338-348
Boman, Christoffer; Nordin, Anders; Boström, Dan; et al.
Bed agglomeration characteristics of biomass fuels using blast-furnace slag as bed material
Energy & Fuels
, Washington, D.C.: American Chemical Society 2004, Vol. 18, (4) : 1187-1193
Brus, Elisabet; Öhman, Marcus; Nordin, Anders; et al.
Effect of kaolin and limestone addition on slag formation during combustion of wood fuels
Energy & Fuels
, Washington, D.C.: American Chemical Society 2004, Vol. 18, (5) : 1370-1376
Öhman, Marcus; Boström, Dan; Nordin, Anders; et al.
Reasons for slagging during stemwood pellet combustion and some measures for prevention
Biomass and Bioenergy
, Oxford: Pergamon Press 2004, Vol. 27, (6) : 597-605
Öhman, Marcus; Nordin, Anders; Hedman, H; et al.
Effects of increased small-scale biomass pellet combustion on ambient air quality in residential areas: A parametric dispersion modeling study
Biomass and Bioenergy
, Elsevier 2003, Vol. 24, (6) : 465-474
Boman, Christoffer; Nordin, Anders; Thanning, Lennart
Improvement of the binary phase diagram Na
Energy & Fuels
, American Chemistry Society 2003, Vol. 17, (6) : 1591-1594
Råberg, Mathias; Boström, Dan; Nordin, Anders; et al.
Ash Transformations during Combustion of Meat-, Bonemeal, and RDF in a (bench-scale) Fluidized Bed Combustor
Energy & Fuels
, American Chemical Society (ACS) 2003, Vol. 17, (5) : 1153-1159
Öhman, Marcus; Nordin, Anders; Lundholm, Karin; et al.
Equilibrium Chemistry of Biomass Combustion: A Round-Robin Set of Calculations Using Available Computer Programs and Databases
Energy Fuels
, Vol. 15, (2) : 344-9
Blander, M; Milne, T A; Dayton, D C; et al.
Bed Agglomeration Characteristics during Fluidized Bed Combustion of Biomass Fuels
Energy Fuels
, Vol. 14, (1) : 169-78
Öhman, Marcus; Nordin, Anders; Skrifvars, Bengt-Johan; et al.
On the chemistry of combustion and gasification of biomass fuels, peat and waste: environmental aspects
Umeå: Umeå Universitet 1993
Nordin, Anders
Trace element enrichment and behavior in wood pellet production and combustion processes.
Boman, Christoffer; Öhman, Marcus; Nordin, Anders
Off-gassing from 16 pilot-scale produced pellets assortments of torrefied pine: impact of torrefaction severity, storage time, pelletization parameters, and pellet quality
Borén, Eleonora; Rudolfsson, Magnus; Nordin, Anders; et al.
Oxygen enhanced torrefaction - An initial feasibility study
Olofsson, Ingemar; Strandberg, Martin; Pommer, Linda; et al.
Evaluation of existing and new approaches to determine degree of torrefaction
Strandberg, Martin; Olofsson, Ingemar; Pommer, Linda; et al.
Effects of temperature and residence time on torrefaction of spruce wood
Strandberg, Martin; Olofsson, Ingemar; Pommer, Linda; et al.
Hydrogen and carbon separation by low-temperature slow pyrolysis of biomass: experimental validation
Åberg, Katarina; Borén, Eleonora; Pommer, Linda; et al.
Pilot scale experimental validation of the Bio
fuels low-temperature slow pyrolysis system concept
Åberg, Katarina; Khwaja, Salik; Pommer, Linda; et al.
Torrefaction and gasification of lignocellulosic hydrolysis residue from bio-ethanol production
Åberg, Katarina; Lindh, Ingemar; Kollberg, Kristoffer; et al.
Low-temperature slow pyrolysis of biomass for H
-enriched syngas production and carbon negativity
Åberg, Katarina; Pommer, Linda; Nordin, Anders
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