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Research Methodology in Business Administration B, 7,5 hp

Engelskt namn: Research Methodology in Business Administration B

Denna kursplan gäller: 2010-10-04 till 2013-01-13 (nyare version av kursplanen finns)

Kurskod: 2FE098

Högskolepoäng: 7,5

Utbildningsnivå: Grundnivå

Huvudområden och successiv fördjupning: Företagsekonomi: Grundnivå, har mindre än 60 hp kurs/er på grundnivå som förkunskapskrav

Betygsskala: Tregradig skala

Ansvarig institution: USBE Företagsekonomi

Beslutad av: Handelshögskolans styrelse, 2009-06-12


The overarching aim of this course is to acquire a basic knowledge of scientific paradigms and research methods. Further, the aim is to develop the student’s ability to first, conduct and in written form report a scientific study, and second, to evaluate and use scientific as well as other reports. The course begins with a discussion on the process of knowledge creation, with an emphasis on the production of scientific knowledge. Important building blocks in this process are frames of reference, scientific ideals, problem formulation, scientific approaches and methods for data collection and analysis. Particular emphasis is placed on the importance of a well though-out choice of topic, problematisation, and a careful specification of the problem statement (research question). The general scientific approaches (primarily induction and deduction) are penetrated and connected to different types of research strategies. Further, the possibilities and limitations of quantitative and qualitative methods are discussed. Methods for sampling and data collection are scrutinized, among other things based on the possibilities of accessing information. The course also includes activities that develops the student’s ability to find information in databases, to use different types of information in an appropriate manner, and to evaluate this information and the sources according to relevant criteria.

Förväntade studieresultat

Upon successful completion of the course, the student is expected to be able to: • describe the basic features of the main scientific ideals, and explain how different values and perspectives influence the process of knowledge creation • describe the different characteristics of qualitative and quantitative methods and evaluate the suitability of different methods to solve different types of research questions • search, evaluate and use different types of information on a basic level • argue for the formulation of a particular problem (research question), scientific strategies and methodological choices, and analyze an empirical and theoretical material • critically examine a report from different perspectives in cooperation with other students, independently conduct a scientific study.


Univ: At least 22.5 passed ECTS from the course International Business Administration A (2FE012) or similar.

Undervisningens upplägg

Lectures, seminars and supervision are the cornerstones of the teaching method during this course. Attendance is obligatory for activities that are part of the examination. All teaching will be in English.


Examination will be based upon individual written and/or oral examination, and the writing of a paper. The Swedish testing method “dugga” may be used to examine parts of the course. All examination will be in English. Pass with distinction (Väl godkänd, Vg, 75% or more), Pass (Godkänd, G, 50% or more) Fail (Underkänd, U, less than 50%). In order to pass the course, the student must complete all parts of the examination i.e. reach 50% of the points of each part. To receive the grade pass with distinction, the student must reach at least 75% of the total points on the course. In case of failure on seminar participation or individual and group assignments, compensating assignments must be completed in accordance with instructions given on each occasion. Students who do not pass the written examination will be offered a re-examination opportunity within 2-3 weeks. Beyond that, additional opportunities to complete the written examination normally arise every academic year one-week prior to the start of the autumn term. When a student has failed an examination on two occasions, he or she has a right to have another grading teacher. A written request for an alternative examiner should be handed to the director of studies no later than two weeks before the next examination opportunity. Rules and regulations concerning the production of academic texts and correct referencing will be applicable to all written assignments. Guest lectures during the course might be used as basis for examination. Student who has passed an examination can not redo the examination to get a higher grading. Grades on the course are awarded when students have passed all examinations and compulsory course elements. Academic credit transfer. Academic credit transfers are according to the University credit transfer regulations.

Övriga föreskrifter

The course is included in the International Business Program at Umeå School of Business. The course is also offered to exchange students within formal agreements.


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