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Alexandra Otterdahl
Anders Berglund
Anders Esberg
Anna Bogren
Anna Lövgren
Carina Öhman
Catharina Österlund
Cecilia Koskinen Holm
Chengjuan Qu

Senior researcher Chengjuan Qu

Christina Storm Mienna


Associate Professor of Odontology

Senior consultant dentist in Oral Physiology

Director of Várdduo - Centre for Sámi Research

Daniel Kostic
Elin Kindstedt
Ellinor Hannerfors
Eva Levring Jäghagen

Professor (full) and senior consultant in oral & maxillofacial radiology.

Deputy head of department.

Research areas: 1) Swallowing/speech function and 2) Carotid artery calcifications in PR and CVD.

Evelina Nilsson
Filippa Sjöström
Jackie Mbatudde
Jan Oscarsson
Jeanette Herau
Joakim Lundberg
Julia Smeets
Karin Danielsson
Lena Mårell
Linda Eriksson
Magnus Wänman
Majid Ebrahimi
Malin Brundin

Associate professor, senior consultant dentist in Endodontics.
Chair of the program council for the dental hygienist, dentist, and dental technician programs.
Programme coordinator Dentistry program.

Maria Garoff
Maria Hedberg
Marine Vandewall-Capo

I am a member of Nicklas Strömberg lab.

Mats Sjöström
Mattias Pettersson
Monica Brage
Nelly Romani Vestman
Nick Moghbel
Nicklas Strömberg


Senior dental officer

Deciphering host receptor configurations for oral bacteria bacteria into diagnostics and therapeutics in precision dentistry.

Nils Gustafsson
Nina Sundin
Nongfei Sheng

I am a dentist and postdoc in Nicklas Strömberg's research group.

Olena Rakhimova
Pamela Hasslöf
Pernilla Lif Holgerson
Pernilla Lundberg


Professor in Molecular Periodontology

Senior Consultant in Periodontology.

Peyman Kelk

Associate professor in anatomy

Senior consultant in oral prosthodontics

Assistant head of department

Sanna Almlin
Sari Korva
Susanna Bylund
Susanne Lindqvist
Troy Ball
Valeriia Zymovets
Wai Lok Yau
Wen Kou
Ylva Burström
Zeinab Razooqi