Become an expert on population development – a key issue for major future challenges. After completing the master in population studies you will have a comprehensive interdisciplinary knowledge on the causes and consequences of population change in different time periods and parts of the world.
Theoretical teaching on population issues is mixed with exercises.
Students will analyse unique population data together with researchers and obtain practical analytical tools useful in future working life. In the master's programme, students will attain useful knowledge for the analysis of population changes, its consequences and drivers. In focus are some of today’s key challenges – population ageing, social and economic consequences of international migration as well as population concentration to urban areas. Other urgent issues include the changing role of the family over the life course, decreasing fertility and mortality rates and trends in global population growth. One point of departure is the long-term historical population trends. In the programme, examples from Sweden and Europe are compared to situations in other parts of the world. Different perspectives on population change are scrutinised and students will acquire analytical skills useful in research and investigation in working life.
Theory and practice provides useful experiences
The master's programme will have a strong link to interdisciplinary research at the Centre of Demographic and Ageing Research (CEDAR) and the students will throughout the master year have close contacts with research and scholars at the centre. Teaching will include seminars, group exercises and lectures and students will be encouraged to search for new knowledge, problem solving, critical thinking and reflection. In data lab exercises students will have the opportunity to analyse unique data and attain practical methodological and analytical skills, useful in working life.
Specialise in your field of interest!
The master's programme in population studies has an interdisciplinary profile and student will acquire a broad knowledge covering various fields, but will also offer opportunities to focus on the sub-fields of largest interest, e.g. historical demography, migration, ageing, physical and cognitive health.
Further studies
If you want to do further studies after completing the programme you can continue studies at the advanced level or apply for post-graduate programme in your major academic discipline.
Semester 2 (spring) Elective course in Interdisciplinary population perspectives 15 ECTS, part-time studies 50% or other course at advanced level chosen in consultation with the Program Coordinator or the Study Advisor*
Master Thesis in Population Studies 15 ECTS, part-time studies 50%
The master's programme in population studies will improve your competitiveness on the labour market, and provide good qualifications as investigator in for instance public agencies, international organisations as well as consultancy companies. With profound knowledge in demographic methods and theories you will have the skills to make advanced investigations, search for information, critically scrutinise literature and analyse data for various objectives.
Degree of Master of Science (60 ECTS). Main field of study: Population Studies.