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Regulation for associate senior lecturer in combination with clinical service

Type of document: Rule
Office in charge: Human Resources Office
Field: Human Resources, Equal Opportunities and Work Environment
Reg. no.: FS 1.1-231-18
Validity: Until further notice
Approved by: Vice-chancellor
Date of approval: 2018-05-29

The purpose of merit positions where scientific and clinical merit are combined is to ensure a good long-term supply of competent future teachers and directors of research with clinical anchorage and so that nurses and physiotherapists, occupational therapists, doctors and dentists defending their theses, and other occupational groups will be able to merit themselves scientifically. The goal is for strong clinical research and scientifically merited teachers with clinical anchorage.

In the university’s employment regulations, associate senior lecturers are regulated where the recruitment process, qualifications, grounds for assessment and advancement are concerned.

Regulation for associate senior lecturer in combination with clinical service (21 kB)