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Published: 2019-06-12

Investing SEK 100 million in AI

NEWS The Umeå University Board has decided on a long-term investment – a total of SEK 100 million over ten years – on research in artificial intelligence (AI) and autonomous systems. The aim is to give AI a vital role in research and education in all fields.

The development within AI has an impact on many levels of society. And the importance of such technology only seems to grow in the upcoming years. AI is also becoming an important ingredient in many scientific fields of research.

The biggest Swedish research programme in AI is the Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Programme (WASP) with a budget of SEK 3.5 billion up until 2028. So far, WASP has awarded research grants and recruitment packages worth nearly SEK 94 million to Umeå University.

Last week, it was announced that the Wallenberg Foundations are investing SEK 660 million in AI and autonomous systems research within the fields of humanities and social science. Umeå University will be the host university for the ten-year WASP-Humanities and Society Programme aimed at primarily analysing ethical, financial, work-related, social and legal aspects of upcoming technology shifts.

Umeå University is now strengthening the field further with aimed investments in research and education in AI of a total of SEK 100 million for ten years.

Half the amount is awarded the Faculty of Science and Technology with the aim to continuously build a strong and long-lasting research environment in AI at the Department of Computing Science.

The remaining SEK 50 million will be set aside to develop applied AI research at all faculties, which in the long run should have an effect on education and collaboration.

In order for Umeå University to educate society's future workforce, actively participate in AI research, and develop the work and social life of the future, it is crucial that the University makes long-term and strategic investments to develop the necessary competence. Through this aimed investment, Umeå University contributes by developing research and education in AI and autonomous systems.