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Image: Jakob Owens/Unsplash

Civi-Lab – the Future of Visual Interactive and Creative Experiences

Research group Civi Lab – The Creativity, Interactivity and Visualization Computation Lab, studies emerging interactive and visualization technologies at the intersection of data visualisation, media technology, interactive data analytics, eXtended Reality (XR), visual decision support, creative computing, and UX.

Modern visualization technologies developed rapidly and latest emerging technologies changed how we re-create new realities in which we communicate, train, analyse, simulate and understand digital and real worlds today. Through our background in visualisation technologies we are capable to advance the current state to develop novel solutions to create new human-centered visual interactive experiences. 


The group aims at research across disciplines, and close collaboration with industry and society to cope with emerging challenges that emerge through digital transformation through visual computing. We aim to be a creative space for exploring the future of visual interactive experiences. Our extensive international network, and research partnerships we are able to cope with latest trends and challenges.

We offer

We develop methods, technologies, simulators, user studies, and applications across industries such as digital games, healthcare, GLAM, production industries, mining, digital twins, and aviation.

Civi Lab 4Industry

  • Prototyping
  • Proof-of-concepts
  • Research projects
  • Events
  • Future employees

Civi Lab for students 

  • Courses
  • Thesis works
  • Projects
  • Internships
  • Industry traineeships

Civi Lab for researchers 

  • Research collaboration
  • Research exchange
  • Conferences
  • Networks
  • Publications

Research areas

  • Visual (data) analytics
  • Visual data analysis
  • Visual decision models and tools
  • eXtended Reality (XR)
  • Interactive data visualisation
  • Human-AI-teaming
  • Creative computing
  • Visual decision support tools
  • eXtended Reality (XR)
  • Interactive data visualisation
  • Human-AI-teaming
  • Creative data processing
  • Immersive technology
  • Game and interaction design
  • Visualisation techniques
  • Interaction design and customer experience (CX)

Application Areas

  • Visualization in bioinformatics
  • Digital computer games
  • XR in healthcare and medicine
  • Interactive data analysis
  • Digital twinning
  • Simulation and education
  • Human-machine interaction (AI)
  • Education and simulation
  • Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) imaging

Head of research


Participating departments and units at Umeå University

Department of Computing Science

News from the Department of Computing Science

Doktorand Oliver Larsson i kort hår och glasögon, iklädd varm kappa, utomhus.
Computer scientist new representative in IVA

Oliver Larsson new representative in the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences' Student Council.

SK visar upp sin avhandling.
New Algorithms Increase the Privacy of Sensitive Data

Personal data can now be kept more securely than before, that is the finding of Saloni Kwatras thesis.

Virginia Dignum i Vatikanstaten.
Virginia Dignum invited to the Vatican to lecture on AI

“I am deeply honored that I was able to participate,"

Professor Diego Calvanese appointed to lead one of the world's most prestigious AI conferences

WASP Professor Diego Calvanese, Department of Computing Science, will lead the world's largest AI conference.

Virginia Dignum, professor vid Institutionen för datavetenskap
Umeå researcher in new UN report on AI: "Urgent to collaborate"

The UN Advisory Body warns that AI development is currently controlled by a few companies and countries.

Upcoming events

#frAIday: Simulating Emotions - as manifestations of Temporal Difference assessment in RL
#frAIday: Simulating Emotions - as manifestations of Temporal Difference assessment in RL
Time 12:15 - 13:00 14 February 12:15 - 13:00
Place Zoom & Galaxen

Lecture. Emotions: the manifestations of the brain's reward processing system, specifically its assessment of TD errors.

#frAIday talk: Juan Carlos Nieves
#frAIday talk: Juan Carlos Nieves
Time 12:15 - 13:00 21 February 12:15 - 13:00
Place Zoom & Galaxen

Lecture. A #frAIday talk by Juan Carlos Nieves Sánchez, associate professor, senior researcher and programme director of the MSc programme in AI.

#frAIday: Stochastic Remembering and Distributed Mnemonic Agency
#frAIday: Stochastic Remembering and Distributed Mnemonic Agency
Time 12:15 - 13:00 28 February 12:15 - 13:00
Place Zoom & Galaxen

Lecture. Recalling Twentieth Century Activists with ChatGPT - Artificial Intelligence and Social Memory


TAIGA event
TAIGA event
Time 09:00 - 17:00 21 March 09:00 - 17:00
Place TBA

Workshop. An event organised by TAIGA

#frAIday: Preserving Meänkieli: Overcoming linguistic, tech, and financial challenges
#frAIday: Preserving Meänkieli: Overcoming linguistic, tech, and financial challenges
Time 12:15 - 13:00 28 March 12:15 - 13:00
Place Galaxen & Zoom

Lecture. #frAIday talk with Moa Eriksson Krutrök and Pär Poromaa Isling


#frAIday: YoungSuk Lee
#frAIday: YoungSuk Lee
Time 12:15 - 13:00 25 April 12:15 - 13:00
Place Zoom & TBA

Lecture. A #frAIday talk with YoungSuk Lee, a UmArts WASP-HS Art and AI Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Umeå Institute of Design (UID).

Latest update: 2022-03-03