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Image: Mattias Pettersson

Magnus Wolf-Watz lab

Research group Structure biological and biochemical links between human protein kinases Aurora and prostate cancer.

We map structural biological and biochemical links between the human protein kinase AuroraB and prostate cancer. In this translational collaboration with Professor Maréne Landström, we focus on specific aspects of the function of AuroraB and we use advanced structural biological methods in combination with cell biology and classical biochemistry.

In our research group, we are working to develop a translational approach to study the molecular mechanisms that regulate the kinase activities of the two protein kinases AuroraB (AURKB) and transforming growth factor b (TGFb). Both of these kinases are linked to human cancers including prostate cancer. The project consists of two phases, an initial structural biological and biochemical mapping of AURKB and a subsequent translational phase consisting of AI / machine learning for analysis of cellular imaging, cell biology, biochemistry and structural biology.

The overall goal of the research is to map molecular mechanisms that are linked to cancer with the hope that it will lead to insights that can be translated into biomarkers as well as targets for drug development.

The research is part of the Faculty of Medicine's investment in transnational research (2021). Collaborating partners at Umeå University are Professor Maréne Landström, Professor Elisabeth Sauer-Eriksson and Professor Johan Trygg.

Head of research


Participating departments and units at Umeå University

Department of Chemistry

Research area

Cancer, Chemical sciences

External funding

The Kempe Foundation

External funding

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'EC' postdoc Jagadish is passionate about research, and also feel joy in guiding and teaching others.

Get to know Magnus Wolf-Watz – New UCMR PI

Magnus Wolf-Watz researches the linkages between protein structure and dynamics and bacterial infectivity.

Latest update: 2023-01-30