Associated Professor (Docent), Registered Dietitian (RD). Head of Research and Director of Doctoral Studies at the Department.
My research focuses on equal, person-centred healthcare and improvement knowledge with an emphasis on premature born babies and young children and how nutritional intake and dietary patterns are important for children's development and health. In recent years, my research area has expanded to include nutritional treatment for people with chronic diseases. The research field is primarily clinically oriented, which entails interdisciplinary collaboration with various professions.
I currently supervise seven PhD students. I am the main supervisor for Maria Öström, whose project investigates early childhood dietary patterns and their impact on health, in collaboration with Region Västerbotten and the NorthPop study. I also supervise Sophie Rodebjer Cairns, part of the InSyNC research school, which focuses on nutrition and dietetics. Her project investigates group-based, person-centred learning for dietary interventions in adults with type 1 diabetes.
Additionally, I co-supervise five PhD students: three at Umeå University, one at Karolinska Institutet, and one at Lund University. I have co-supervised four doctoral students who have successfully defended their theses.
I mainly teach in subject areas such as nutrition, clinical paediatric dietetics, and motivational interviewing technique. I also supervise theses at bachelor’s and advanced level. I was appointed as a qualified teacher in 2018 based on Umeå University's pedagogical qualification model. I currently supervise six doctoral students, main supervisor of two and co-supervisor of four.