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Staff photo Tord Göran Olovsson

Tord Göran Olovsson

I work as a teacher and researcher. My research interests mostly concern teaching, learning and educational assessment. A particular interest is assessment and grading in compulsory school.



Works at

Associate professor at Department of Education
Hus Y, Beteendevetarhuset Umeå universitet, Mediagränd 14, Beteendevetarhuset, 901 87 Umeå

I teach primarily in courses in teacher education. My research has concerned assessment and grading in compulsory school, but also other didactic questions. My teaching in teacher education is primarily concerned within the general-didactic field, and in particular I participate in courses about teachers' mission, teaching and leadership, as well as assessment of students' knowledge.

I finished my PhD-thesis in 2015 and have since worked at the Department of Education, and also at the Department of Applied Educational Science.

Forskning och utveckling i förskola och skola (Fufos), Piteå: Utbildningsförvaltningen, Piteå kommun 2024, Vol. 3, (1) : 62-81
Olovsson, Tord Göran; Hansson, Johan; Granberg, Linda; et al.
SO-didaktik, Stockholm: Föreningen SO-didaktik 2022, (11) : 52-65
Boman, Anette; Lindinger, Katarina; Olovsson, Tord Göran
Journal of Social Science Education, Bielefeld University 2021, Vol. 20, (4) : 121-146
Olovsson, Tord Göran
SO-didaktik, Stockholm: Föreningen SO-didaktik 2020, (9) : 76-89
Hedlund, Anna; Olovsson, Tord Göran
Pedagogiska rapporter från Pedagogiska institutionen, 98
Segerholm, Christina; Hult, Agneta; Olovsson, Tord Göran; et al.
Nordidactica: Journal of Humanities and Social Science Education, Karlstad: CSD Karlstad 2018, (4) : 88-117
Olovsson, Tord Göran; Näsström, Gunilla
International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, Vol. 16, (1) : 135-160
Diehl, Monika; Olovsson, Tord Göran
Betygssättning i årskurs 4–6, Stockholm: Skolverket 2017 : 1-16
Olovsson, Tord Göran
Utvärdering och bedömning i skolan: för vem och varför?, Stockholm: Natur och kultur 2017 : 170-184
Olovsson, Tord Göran
ECER 2016: Abstracts
Olovsson, Tord Göran
Proceedings of 6th World Conference on Educational Sciences, Amsterdam: Elsevier 2015 : 424-431
Olovsson, Tord Göran
Education 3-13, Routledge 2015, Vol. 43, (6) : 741-753
Olovsson, Tord Göran
Akademiska avhandlingar vid Pedagogiska institutionen, Umeå universitet, 112
Olovsson, Tord Göran
Performativity in education: an international collection of ethnographic research on learners' experiences, E&E Publishing 2014 : 283-300
Olovsson, Tord Göran
Education Inquiry, Vol. 5, (4) : 561-581
Olovsson, Tord Göran
NERA 41 st Congress, 7-9 March 2013, Reykjavik: Iceland: "Disruptions and eruptions as opportunities for transforming education"
Olovsson, Tord Göran