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U19011 Ancestral Origins of Adult Health in Historical Data from Västerbotten


Demografiska databasen, CEDAR, Umeå universitet (2019). U19011. https://dx.doi.org/10.17197/U19011

Beskrivning av uttaget:
Analysts and system developers at CEDAR, the Demographic Database, have delivered a data retrieval to the researcher Dora L Costa, UCLA, from the POPUM database.

The aim is to investigate the origins of chronic disease by examining how own early life and ancestral living conditions affect mortality and cause of death. Attention will be paid to the sex-specificity of ancestral and early life transmission.  Potential pathways for ancestral transmission include biological (both genetic and epigenetic) and socioeconomic.
The main research focus is to determine whether a harvest shock (either in level or radical change from good to bad or bad to good) at specific ages is transmitted to descendants, if this transmission is sex-specific, what the critical ancestral ages are, and for how many generations can one see this.
Data is retrieved from the POPUM database, which is a population database designed for data retrievals to researchers from different disciplines with different types of research questions. The database contains data from church registers such as catechetical registers, migration registers, birth and baptism registers, marriage registers and death and burial registers. Individual data from these sources have been linked together, creating individual biographies. In addition, links have also been made between related individuals (relationship linking) as well as between parishes.

Typ av data:
Demografiska data




Antal individer:
ca 170 000

Data: english
Dokumentation: english

Beställare av uttaget:
Dora L Costa, UCLA.

Senast uppdaterad: 2023-07-04