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Andy Peet: Förstå griceansk kommunikation

Tid Onsdag 5 juni, 2024 kl. 13:15 - 15:00
Plats HUM.H.119 (HD108)

Högre seminariet i filosofi bjuder in till seminarium med Andy Peet, seminariet har den engelska titeln "Understanding Gricean Communication".

Abstract (på engelska): Grice, in attempting to provide an analysis of meaning, identified an important species of communication – what we might call “Gricean communication”. Grice’s own analysis of the intentions that underwrite Gricean communication faces a number of well-known challenges. In this talk I focus on three: 1. The irrationality of Gricean intentions given contextual under specification, 2. The problem of lucky communication, 3. The problem of Strawsonian deception. I will provide a new analysis of the intentions underwriting Gricean communication that resolves all these problems and integrates into a novel picture of interpretation and utterance understanding that I am currently developing.

Observera att seminariet ges på engelska. Alla intresserade är välkomna att delta!

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Evenemangstyp: Seminarium
Personalbild saknas
Andrew Peet
Läs om Andrew Peet
Pär Sundström
Läs om Pär Sundström