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Benjamin Ferguson: Grundningsproblemet rörande utnyttjande

Tid Onsdag 1 februari, 2023 kl. 13:15 - 15:00
Plats HUM.H.119 (HD108)

Högre seminariet i filosofi bjuder in till en gästföreläsning med Benjamin Ferguson, University of Warwick, Föreläsningen har den engelska titeln "Exploitation's Grounding Problem".

Abstract (på engelska):

Standard accounts of what makes exploitation wrong ground its wrong in distributive unfairness. That is, when A exploits B he wrongs her by taking a greater share of the benefits from their interaction than he ought. I argue that this standard account does not succeed; exploitation's wrong cannot be grounded on distributive unfairness. I assume that distributive unfairness is pro tanto wrong.  However, I argue that in situations where transactors' consent to a transaction is morally valid, it is also morally transformative and overrides distributive unfairness's pro tanto wrong. Thus, wrongful exploitation requires morally  invalid consent. I then argue that the consent given in many paradigmatic cases of exploitation is, in fact, morally valid. Consequently, many paradigmatic exploitations are not morally wrong.

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Evenemangstyp: Seminarium
Pär Sundström
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