Högre seminariet i filosofi bjuder in till gästföreläsning med Gunnar Björnsson, Stockholms Universitet, som presenterar ett arbete som han skrivit tillsammans med Romy Eskens på det engelska temat "Negative partiality as rebalancing".
Abstract: When someone has wronged you, and they have not repaired their wrongdoing, you seem permitted to discount the weight of that person’s interests and point of view in your practical deliberation. Brandt (2020) and Lange (2020) have recently argued that these permissions to discount are explained by the moral quality of the personal relationship you have with your perpetrator (the Relationship View). Whilst morally positive personal relationships with intimates generate special permissions to favor intimates’ well-being, morally negative personal relationships with perpetrators generate special permissions to disfavor perpetrators’ well-being. We reject the Relationship View in favor of the Rebalancing View. The Rebalancing View holds that the permission to discount perpetrators’ interests is explained by the need to restore balance in the relative standing of victims and perpetrators post-wrongdoing. We argue that the Rebalancing View is superior to the Relationship View in two respects: it is more extensionally adequate and has more explanatory power.
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