Högre seminariet i filosofi bjuder in till seminarium med Martín Abreu Zavaleta. Seminariet har den engelska titeln "Learning about identity".
Abstract (på engelska):
According to a standard picture of information, to gain new information is to exclude possibilities that one had not yet excluded. This picture of has trouble explaining why some claims about identity can be informative. After all, claims about identity are necessarily true if true at all. Thus, no true identity claim will exclude any possibilities that I had not already excluded. This talk explores an implementation of the standard picture that attempts to explain why claims about identity can be informative.
Observera att seminariet ges på engelska. Alla intresserade är välkomna att delta!
Distansseminarium via Zoom. Deltagarlänk skickas ut via epost till alla medlemmar på seminariets utskickslista någon dag innan seminariet. Övriga intresserade kan få deltagarlänk genom att kontakta seminarieansvarig.