Högre seminariet i filosofi bjuder in till seminarium med Michael Klenk, Delft. Seminariet ges på engelska och har den engelska titeln "What is manipulation?"
Abstract (på engelska): In order to manipulate someone, you need to influence them non-accidentally. But manipulation is more than just non-accidental influence. Philosophers have made several suggestions for what the additional condition might be. For example, it has been suggested that manipulation also requires the intend to induce a mistake in the target, or to covertly influence the target. In this paper, I claim that none of the standard definitions of manipulation identify a necessary condition of manipulation. I argue that manipulation is intentional but indifferent influence. In particular, the manipulator does not care whether their means of influence reveal reasons to the target. And I argue that this definition handles all the counterexamples that plague current accounts of manipulation.
Observera att seminariet ges på engelska. Alla intresserade är välkomna att delta!