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Workshop: The social impact in applications for research funding

Tid Måndag 17 februari, 2020 kl. 13:00 - 15:00
Plats Triple Helix, Universitetsledningshuset

As part of the initiative to support early-career researchers at Humfak and Samfak, we are organizing a second workshop on research funding. This time the focus will be on what important aspects we should consider when describing the social impact in applications for research funding

The program of the workshop will be:


Introduction by Bodil Formark from Grants Office.
Discussing the communication/ social impact sections of your own projects or other examples in smaller groups with an expert who can give you advice how to improve this section.
Plenum discussion – summarizing the result from the group work.

We encourage you to bring your own examples from your previous or current applications.

If you bring your examples, you will have the chance to receive a direct feedback during the group work.


Everyone is warmly welcome to attend.


Workshop Topic: The social impact in applications for research funding

Date: Feb 17, 13.00-15.00

Place: Triple Helix, Universitetsledningshuset

Please register by sending an e-mail to Sara Franke-Wikberg, sara.franke-wikberg@umu.se and also let me know if you have any special dietary requirements.

Evenemangstyp: Workshop
Sara Franke-Wikberg
Läs om Sara Franke-Wikberg
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