Konferensinbjudan: Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology
Den tredje nationella konferensen Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA-SE) ges vid Umeå universitet 9-11 november 2015 och är nu öppen för registrering och konferensbidrag.
Keynote speakers
Thomas McGovern, Hunter College, City University of New York: Archaeological Sites as a Distributed Long Term Observing Network of the Past Christian Koch-Madsen, Greenland National Museum & Archives: GIS studies of Settlement and Farming in Norse Greenland
Planned sessions (open for additions)
● Photogrammetry and UAS● Digital Humanities and archaeology● Research infrastructure and databases● Digital dissemination & communications● Natural science analyses and methods ● GIS analyses
Call for papers: The third National Conference in Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology