I denna nya bok undersöks genom en tvärvetenskaplig lins, de relationer och former av familjer som utmanar kärnfamiljens ideal och några av de argument som uppmuntrar eller diskvalificerar dessa nya familjebildningar i våra samhällen.
Daniela Cutas, lektor, institutionen för idé- och samhällsstudier, Umeå universitet, är tillsammans med Sarah Chan, University of Manchester, redaktör för boken Families – Beyond the Nuclear Ideal. "This book examines, through a multi-disciplinary lens, the possibilities offered by relationships and family forms that challenge the nuclear family ideal, and some of the arguments that recommend or disqualify these as legitimate units in our societies.That children should be conceived naturally, born to and raised by their two young, heterosexual, married to each other, genetic parents; that this relationship between parents is also the ideal relationship between romantic or sexual partners; and that romance and sexual intimacy ought to be at the core of our closest personal relationships - all these elements converge towards the ideal of the nuclear family.The authors consider a range of relationship and family structures that depart from this ideal: polyamory and polygamy, single and polyparenting, parenting by gay and lesbian couples, as well as families created through current and prospective modes of assisted human reproduction such as surrogate motherhood, donor insemination, and reproductive cloning." Några av författarna som bidragit med texter är bland andra Adrienne Asch, Melinda Roberts, Mianna Lotz, Paul Hastings, Joanna Schieb, Mary Shanley och från Sverige Christian Munthe och Thomas Hartvigsson, båda från Göteborgs universitet.