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Publicerad: 2016-12-20

Nya perspektiv på representation och politik

NYHET Palgrave har i höst publicerat en antologi på temat representation, politik och medborgarskap med artiklar av Sara Edenheim och Malin Rönnblom, liksom Ida Blom, Gayatri Spivak, Jorunn Gjerden och Kari Jegersetadt, m. fl.

Titeln på antologin är Gendered Citizenship and the Politics of Representation. Edenheim och Rönnblom har i sitt gemensamma bidrag gjort en analys av bland annat Feministiskt Initiativs partiprogram och visar hur svensk feminism domineras av en rättighetsdiskurs som begränsar de politiska alternativen.

Hämtat från bokens omslag:

“This wide-ranging, richly documented set of essays opens new ways of understanding the history of women´s claims for political rights, the obstacles that have prevented their realization, and the strategies that might be devised to bring about change” – Joan Scott, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York, USA.

“The multi-disciplinary feminist perspectives captured in this book add new perspectives on issues of representation and re-presentation. For scholars in the global South still grappling with Spivak´s question whether “the subaltern can speak” this book will be a timely return to that question through the problematization of exclusions, also of the radically un-representable who might speak back”
– Amanda Gouws, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa.

“This is one of the few volumes I know that addresses gendered representation across disciplines and theoretical perspectives. The outcome is fully comprehensive, sophisticated and rigorous narrative on the complex intersections between representation and gender. An inspiring book!”
– Lilie Chouliaraki, London School of Economics and political science, UK.

“Gendered Citizenship and the Politics of Representation includes bold, fresh and critical analyses of citizenship, representation, and inclusion through a variety of perspectives. This exiting volume expands the debate over gendered citizenship to new contexts, bringing together important social science and humanities perspectives” – Alili Mari Tripp, University of Wisconsin, USA

Läs mer om boken:

Gendered Citizenship and the Politics of Representation

Redaktör: Emma Skog