Nytt globalt forskarnätverk inom tidig språkinlärning
Janet Enever, professor, institutionen för språkstudier, har utsetts till samordnare för ett nytt globalt forskarnätverk inom forskningsfältet tidig språkinlärning.
Janet Enever, Professor of Language Teaching and Learning, Umeå University, has been successful in her application to AILA (International association for applied linguistics) to coordinate a new global Research Network in Early Language Learning.
The Network brings together researchers actively engaged in research in early language learning. An extensive programme of meetings and publications are planned over the next three-year period, culminating in a Research Network event at the tri-annual AILA Congress meeting in Rio Di Janeiro in 2017.
The Network aims to: I. Create synergies across research areas concerned with young children learning additional languages in school and pre-school contexts worldwide;
II. Set out a comprehensive agenda for research in the field of early language learning.
This achievement follows the success of the conference on Early Language Learning organised by a team from the Department of Language Studies in June 2014, which attracted over 70 research presenters from 30 countries.
The conference was supported by funding from the Riksbankens Jubileumsfond for research initiation and a conference grant from Umeå University's School of Education (follow the link for video clip interviews with conference delegates).
Together, these grants have made this next step in establishing a global research profile possible.
Watch video clips from the conference metioned above: