Nytt nummer av av tidskriften Education Inquiry (Volume 3, No. 3, September 2012)
Nu finns årets tredje nummer av tidskriften Education Inquiry att läsa och ladda hem på vår webbplats. Detta nummer innehåller både en tematisk del och en öppen del med fristående artiklar.
Tidskriften utges av Lärarhögskolan, Umeå universitet.
Gunvor Løkken & Thomas Moser: Space and materiality in early childhood pedagogy – introductory notes Solveig Nordtømme: Place, space and materiality for pedagogy in a kindergarten Biljana C. Fredriksen: Providing materials and spaces for the negotiation of meaning in explorative play: Teachers’ responsibilities Anne Lise Nordbø: Mind the gap! Creating a community between teacher-actors and toddler-spectators in a performative event Astrid Granly & Eva Maagerø: Multimodal texts in kindergarten rooms Nina Odegard: When matter comes to matter – working pedagogically with junk materials
I den fristående delen finns:
Anna-Lena Østern: Supervision by an artist creating a poetic universe as a reference in the development of aesthetic approaches to pedagogical supervision Göran Widding: Keep a-knocking (but you can’t come in): The issue of passing by the gatekeeper and gaining linguistic access to qualitative research fields Eva Skåreus: Disrupting the picture: Reflections on choices, resistance and consequences in a pre-study Kristiina Brunila: From risk to resilience. The therapeutic ethos in youth education