Två av Konsthögskolans sommarkurser, Friendly Sabotage och In Sketchland, presenteras nu i skolans galleri. Sommarens två kurser leddes och undervisades av Bettina Allamoda och Olav Westphalen.
Fredag till söndag 18-20 augusti kl. 18-21, Konsthögskolans galleri, Östra Strandgatan 32
Bettina Allamoda's course:
Friendly Sabotage combines artistic research and practice with material and spatial-based thinking, reflection, analysis and discussion: Developing individual work(s), presented in a collectively created exhibition parcours spreading from Umeå Academy of Fine Arts to local public spaces, surpassing city limits and incorporating the notion of global infrastructure and back again.
Olav Westphalen's course:
Sketchland takes its departure from the act of drawing, in the widest possible sense: as representation, as invention, as construction and reconstruction, as memory and speculation, as narration and as a performative act (as in drawing a border on a map, drawing a 6-digit check, or drawing fire or criticism or attention).
Utställningen är ett samarbete mellan de två studentgrupperna.