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Jenny Bosson
090-785 00 00
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Institutionen för folkhälsa och klinisk medicin
Enhet: Lungmedicin
Lungkliniken, Norrlands Universitetssjukhus
Umeå universitet, 901 85 Umeå
Vascular stress markers following inhalation of heated tobacco products: a study on extracellular vesicles
Cardiovascular Toxicology
Antoniewicz, Lukasz; Melnikov, Georgy; Lyytinen, Gustaf; et al.
Use of heated tobacco products (IQOS) causes an acute increase in arterial stiffness and platelet thrombus formation
, Elsevier 2024, Vol. 390
Lyytinen, Gustaf; Melnikov, Georgy; Brynedal, Amelie; et al.
Acute airway inflammation following controlled biodiesel exhaust exposure in healthy subjects
Particle and Fibre Toxicology
, BioMed Central (BMC) 2024, Vol. 21, (1)
Sandström, Thomas; Bosson, Jenny A.; Muala, Ala; et al.
In vitro toxicity evaluation in A549 cells of diesel particulate matter from two different particle sampling systems and several resuspension media
Journal of Applied Toxicology
, John Wiley & Sons 2024, Vol. 44, (8) : 1269-1278
Uski, Oskari J.; Rankin, Gregory D.; Wingfors, Håkan; et al.
The toxic effects of petroleum diesel, biodiesel, and renewable diesel exhaust particles on human alveolar epithelial cells
Journal of Xenobiotics
, MDPI 2024, Vol. 14, (4) : 1432-1449
Uski, Oskari J.; Rankin, Gregory; Wingfors, Håkan; et al.
Electronic cigarette vaping with nicotine causes increased thrombogenicity and impaired microvascular function in healthy volunteers: a randomised clinical trial
Cardiovascular Toxicology
, Springer Nature 2023, Vol. 23, (7-8) : 255-264
Lyytinen, Gustaf; Brynedal, Amelie; Anesäter, Erik; et al.
Chronic snus use in healthy males alters endothelial function and increases arterial stiffness
, Public Library of Science (PLoS) 2022, Vol. 17, (6)
Antoniewicz, Lukasz; Kabele, Mikael; Nilsson, Ulf; et al.
Acute Exposure to Diesel Exhaust Increases Muscle Sympathetic Nerve Activity in Humans
Journal of the American Heart Association: Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Disease
, Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Inc. 2021, Vol. 10, (10)
Rankin, Gregory D.; Kabéle, Mikael; Brown, Rachael; et al.
Acute cardiovascular effects of controlled exposure to dilute Petrodiesel and biodiesel exhaust in healthy volunteers: a crossover study
Particle and Fibre Toxicology
, BioMed Central (BMC) 2021, Vol. 18, (1)
Unosson, Jon; Kabele, Mikael; Boman, Christoffer; et al.
Electronic cigarettes containing nicotine increase endothelial and platelet derived extracellular vesicles in healthy volunteers
, Elsevier 2020, Vol. 301 : 93-100
Mobarrez, Fariborz; Antoniewicz, Lukasz; Hedman, Linnea; et al.
Acute Effects of Electronic Cigarette Inhalation on the Vasculature and the Conducting Airways
Cardiovascular Toxicology
, John Wiley & Sons 2019, Vol. 19, (5) : 441-450
Antoniewicz, Lukasz; Brynedal, Amelie; Hedman, Linnea; et al.
Traffic-related Air Pollution, Health, and Allergy: The Role of Nitrogen Dioxide
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine
, AMER THORACIC SOC 2019, Vol. 200, (5) : 523-524
Bosson, Jenny A.; Mudway, Ian S.; Sandström, Thomas
Wood smoke effects on epithelial cell lines and human airway cells
European Respiratory Journal
, European Respiratory Society Journals 2019, Vol. 54
Hansson, Alva; Rankin, Gregory; Uski, Oskari; et al.
Small airways effects of exposure to wood smoke
European Respiratory Journal
, Sheffield: European Respiratory Society Journals 2019, Vol. 54
Muala, Ala; Österdahl, Rebecka; Sehlstedt, Maria; et al.
The toxic potential of a fourth-generation E-cigarette on human lung cell lines and tissue explants
Journal of Applied Toxicology
, John Wiley & Sons 2019, Vol. 39, (8) : 1143-1154
Rankin, Gregory D.; Wingfors, Håkan; Uski, Oskari; et al.
Brief exposure to Swedish snus causes divergent vascular responses in healthy male and female volunteers
, PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE 2018, Vol. 13, (4)
Antoniewicz, Lukasz; Novo, Mirza; Bosson, Jenny A.; et al.
Mass spectrometry profiling reveals altered plasma levels of monohydroxy fatty acids and related lipids in healthy humans after controlled exposure to biodiesel exhaust
Analytica Chimica Acta
, Elsevier 2018, Vol. 1018 : 62-69
Gouveia-Figueira, Sandra C.; Karimpour, Masoumeh; Bosson, Jenny A.; et al.
Association of Electronic Cigarette Use With Smoking Habits, Demographic Factors, and Respiratory Symptoms
JAMA Network Open
, American Medical Association 2018, Vol. 1, (3)
Hedman, Linnea; Backman, Helena; Stridsman, Caroline; et al.
Acute effects of e-cigarette inhalation with or without nicotine on levels of microvesicles in the blood of human volunteers
European Respiratory Journal
, European Respiratory Society 2018, Vol. 52
Lundback, Magnus; Mobarrez, Fariborz; Antoniewicz, Lukasz; et al.
Can elderly lungs cope with urban concentrations of ground-Level ozone? Experiences from a large-Scale multicenter exposure chamber study
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine
, American Thoracic Society 2018, Vol. 197, (10) : 1245-1246
Sandström, Thomas; Blomberg, Anders; Bosson, Jenny A.
In vitro toxicity of particulate matter derived from biomass cook stoves used in developing countries
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine
, American Thoraric Society 2018, Vol. 197
Uski, Oskari J.; Rankin, Gregory; Lindgren, R.; et al.
Increased Arterial Stiffness In Chronic Swedish Snus Users
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine
, Vol. 195
Antoniewicz, L.; Kabele, Mikael; Lundback, M.; et al.
Mass spectrometry profiling of oxylipins, endocannabinoids, and N-acylethanolamines in human lung lavage fluids reveals responsiveness of prostaglandin E2 and associated lipid metabolites to biodiesel exhaust exposure
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry
, SPRINGER HEIDELBERG 2017, Vol. 409, (11) : 2967-2980
Gouveia-Figueira, Sandra; Karimpour, Masoumeh; Bosson, Jenny A.; et al.
Electronic cigarettes increase endothelial progenitor cells in the blood of healthy volunteers
, Vol. 255 : 179-185
Antoniewicz, Lukasz; Bosson, Jenny A.; Kuhl, Jeanette; et al.
The use of a highly-efficient facemask to protect against the acute cardiovascular effects of dilute diesel exhaust exposure
European Heart Journal
, Oxford University Press 2016, Vol. 37 : 550-551
Langrish, J. P.; Unosson, Jon; Pourazar, Jamshid; et al.
Multi-platform metabolomics assays for human lung lavage fluids in an air pollution exposure study
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry
, Vol. 408, (17) : 4751-4764
Surowiec, Izabella; Karimpour, Masoumeh; Gouveia-Figueira, Sandra; et al.
Increased Soluble Thrombomodulin In Plasma Following Diesel Exhaust Exposure
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine
, Vol. 191
Bosson, Jenny. A.; Pourazar, Jamshid; Blomberg, Anders; et al.
Relative and absolute reliability of measures of linoleic acid-derived oxylipins in human plasma
Prostaglandins & other lipid mediators
, Elsevier 2015, Vol. 121, (Part B) : 227-233
Gouveia-Figueira, Sandra; Bosson, Jenny A.; Unosson, Jon; et al.
Atmospheric Interactions and Cardiac Arrhythmias: Langrish et al. espond
Journal of Environmental Health Perspectives
, Vol. 123, (6) : A144-A145
Langrish, Jeremy P.; Bosson, Jenny A.; Sandström, Thomas; et al.
Respiratory Tract Deposition of Inhaled Wood Smoke Particles in Healthy Volunteers
Journal of Aerosol Medicine
, Vol. 28, (4) : 237-246
Muala, Ala; Nicklasson, Hanna; Boman, Christoffer; et al.
Acute exposure to wood smoke from incomplete combustion - indications of cytotoxicity
Particle and Fibre Toxicology
, Vol. 12
Muala, Ala; Rankin, Gregory; Sehlstedt, Maria; et al.
Airway Inflammatory Response In Healthy Subjects Following Chamber Exposure To 100% Rme Biodiesel
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine
, Vol. 191
Pourazar, Jamshid; Behndig, Annelie F.; Helleday, Ragnberth; et al.
Effect of wood smoke exposure on vascular function and thrombus formation in healthy fire fighters
Particle and Fibre Toxicology
, BioMed Central (BMC) 2014, Vol. 11
Hunter, Amanda; Unosson, Jon; Bosson, Jenny A; et al.
Controlled exposures to air pollutants and risk of cardiac arrhythmia
Journal of Environmental Health Perspectives
, Vol. 122, (7) : 747-753
Langrish, Jeremy P.; Watts, Simon J.; Hunter, Amanda J.; et al.
The Effects of Smoking on Levels of Endothelial Progenitor Cells and Microparticles in the Blood of Healthy Volunteers
, San Francisco: Public Library of Science 2014, Vol. 9, (2) : e90314-
Mobarrez, Fariborz; Antoniewicz, Lukasz; Bosson, Jenny A.; et al.
Assessment of the capacity of vehicle cabin air inlet filters to reduce diesel exhaust-induced symptoms in human volunteers
Environmental Health
, BioMed Central (BMC) 2014, Vol. 13, (1)
Muala, Ala; Sehlstedt, Maria; Bion, Anne; et al.
Short-Term Exposure to Ozone Does Not Impair Vascular Function or Affect Heart Rate Variability in Healthy Young Men
Toxicological Sciences
, Oxford University Press 2013, Vol. 135, (2) : 292-299
Barath, Stefan; Langrish, Jeremy P.; Lundbäck, Magnus; et al.
Update in Environmental and Occupational Medicine 2012
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine
, Vol. 188, (1) : 18-22
Bosson, Jenny A.; Blomberg, Anders
Peripheral blood neutrophilia as a biomarker of ozone-induced pulmonary inflammation
, Public Library of Science 2013, Vol. 8, (12)
Bosson, Jenny A; Blomberg, Anders; Stenfors, Nikolai; et al.
Altered nitric oxide bioavailability contributes to diesel exhaust inhalation-induced cardiovascular dysfunction in man
Journal of the American Heart Association: Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Disease
, American stroke association 2013, Vol. 2, (1) : e004309-
Langrish, Jeremy P; Unosson, Jon; Bosson, Jenny; et al.
Exposure to wood smoke increases arterial stiffness and decreases heart rate variability in humans
Particle and Fibre Toxicology
, London, England: BioMed Central (BMC) 2013, Vol. 10 : 20-
Unosson, Jon; Blomberg, Anders; Sandström, Thomas; et al.
Cardiovascular effects of particulate air pollution exposure: time course and underlying mechanisms
Journal of Internal Medicine
, Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell 2012, Vol. 272, (3) : 224-239
Langrish, J. P.; Bosson, Jenny; Unosson, Jon; et al.
Antioxidant airway responses following experimental exposure to wood smoke in man
Particle and Fibre Toxicology
, Vol. 7 : 21-
Sehlstedt, Maria; Dove, Rosamund; Boman, Christoffer; et al.
Ozone exposure enhances mast-cell inflammation in asthmatic airways despite inhaled corticosteroid therapy.
Inhalation Toxicology
, Informa Healthcare 2010, Vol. 22, (2) : 133-139
Stenfors, Nikolai; Bosson, Jenny; Helleday, Ragnberth; et al.
Early suppression of NFκB and IL-8 bronchial epithelium after ozone exposure in healthy human subjects
Inhalation Toxicology
, Informa Healthcare 2009, Vol. 21, (11) : 913-919
Bosson, Jenny; Blomberg, Anders; Pourazar, Jamshid; et al.
Early suppression of NFkappaB and IL-8 in bronchial epithelium after ozone exposure in healthy human subjects
Inhalation Toxicology
, Vol. 21, (11) : 913-919
Bosson, Jenny; Blomberg, Anders; Pourazar, Jamshid; et al.
Diesel exhaust exposure enhances the ozone-induced airway inflammation in healthy humans
European Respiratory Journal
, Vol. 31, (6) : 1234-1240
Bosson, Jenny; Barath, Stefan; Pourazar, Jamshid; et al.
Ozone and diesel exhaust: airway signaling, inflammation and pollutant interactions
Umeå University medical dissertations
, 1097
Bosson, Jenny
Ozone enhances the airway inflammation initiated by diesel exhaust.
Respiratory Medicine
, Vol. 101, (6) : 1140-1146
Bosson, Jenny; Pourazar, Jamshid; Forsberg, Bertil; et al.
Ozone-induced bronchial epithelial cytokine expression differs between healthy and asthmatic subjects
Clinical and Experimental Allergy
, Vol. 33, (6) : 777-782
Bosson, Jenny; Stenfors, Nikolai; Blomberg, Anders; et al.
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