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How satisfaction with running business and private life are related to small-business owners’ subjective well-being
Applied Research in Quality of Life
, Springer Nature 2024, Vol. 19 : 351-365
Fors Connolly, Filip; Johansson Sevä, Ingemar; Gärling, Tommy
Out-of-home activities during the COVID-19 pandemic in Sweden: associations with subjective well-being and the moderating roles of age and personality
Personality and Individual Differences
, Elsevier 2024, Vol. 226
Fors Connolly, Filip; Hjerm, Mikael; Kulin, Joakim; et al.
Rightwing populist attitudes and public support for climate policies in western Europe: widening the scope using the European social survey
PLOS Climate
, Public Library of Science (PLoS) 2024, Vol. 3, (10)
Kulin, Joakim; Johansson Sevä, Ingemar
Political trust and public support for climate policy in Europe: The role of perceptions about politicians’ competence and integrity
Environmental Research Communications (ERC)
, Institute of Physics (IOP) 2024, Vol. 6, (9)
Kulin, Joakim; Johansson Sevä, Ingemar; Fairbrother, Malcolm
Partisanship and perceptions about the consequences of welfare service privatization from left to right (-wing populism)
Acta Sociologica
, Sage Publications 2024, Vol. 67, (4) : 429-445
Johansson Sevä, Ingemar; Öun, Ida
Climate whataboutism and rightwing populism: how emissions blame-shifting translates nationalist attitudes into climate policy opposition
Environmental Politics
Kulin, Joakim
Environmentalism around the globe: an introduction to the 2020 ISSP environment module and selected country-level findings
International Journal of Sociology
, Routledge 2024, Vol. 54, (5-6) : 309-333
Hadler, Markus; Fairbrother, Malcolm; González, Ricardo; et al.
Rightwing populism and public opinion on the covid‐19 pandemic in Sweden: the role of strategic party positioning and political cues
Scandinavian Political Studies
, John Wiley & Sons 2024, Vol. 47, (4) : 575-600
Kulin, Joakim; Johansson Sevä, Ingemar
Climate policy in British Columbia: an unexpected journey
Frontiers in Climate
, Frontiers Media S.A. 2023, Vol. 4
Fairbrother, Malcolm; Rhodes, Ekaterina
The ISSP 2019 social inequality module: country-comparative individual-level data on public beliefs about inequality and socioeconomic conditions over three decades
International Journal of Sociology
, Routledge 2023, Vol. 53, (5) : 333-350
Roberts, Benjamin J.; Struwig, Jarè; Edlund, Jonas; et al.
Equal sharing or not at all caring? Ideals about fathers’ family involvement and the prevalence of the second half of the gender revolution in 27 societies
Journal of Family Studies
, Routledge 2023, Vol. 29, (6) : 2576-2599
Edlund, Jonas; Öun, Ida
A note from the convener of the drafting group of the 2019 ISSP social inequality module
International Journal of Sociology
, Routledge 2023, Vol. 53, (6) : 393-396
Roberts, Benjamin J.; Struwig, Jarè; Edlund, Jonas; et al.
Institutions for effective climate policymaking: Lessons from the case of the United Kingdom
Energy Policy
, Elsevier 2023, Vol. 175
Gransaull, Gareth; Rhodes, Ekaterina; Fairbrother, Malcolm
From the Inside Out: The Fight for Environmental Justice within Government Agencies, by Jill Lindsey Harrison
Contemporary Sociology
, Sage Publications 2022, Vol. 51, (2) : 127-129
Fairbrother, Malcolm
Philip K. Creswell, Chains of trust: Networks of persistent resistance in digital activism. Uppsala University, 2021. Dissertation in sociology.
Sociologisk forskning
, Vol. 58, (4) : 487-488
Fairbrother, Malcolm
The politicization of immigration and welfare: the progressive's dilemma, the rise of far right parties and challenges for the left
Handbook on migration and welfare
, Edward Elgar Publishing 2022 : 230-254
Eger, Maureen A.; Kulin, Joakim
No escape from tradition?: Source country culture and gendered employment patterns among immigrants in Sweden
International Journal of Sociology
, Routledge 2022, Vol. 52, (1) : 49-77
Grönlund, Anne; Fairbrother, Malcolm
Can Bureaucrats Break Trust?: testing Cultural and Institutional Theories of Trust with Chinese Panel Data
Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World
, Sage Publications 2022, Vol. 8
Fairbrother, Malcolm; Mewes, Jan; Wilkes, Rima; et al.
Issue-areas, sovereignty costs, and North Americans’ attitudes toward regional cooperation
Global Studies Quarterly
, Oxford University Press 2022, Vol. 2, (1)
Fairbrother, Malcolm; Long, Tom; Pérez-Armendáriz, Clarisa
Experiences matter: A longitudinal study of individual-level sources of declining social trust in the United States
Social Science Research
, Elsevier 2021, Vol. 95
Mewes, Jan; Fairbrother, Malcolm; Giordano, Giuseppe Nicola; et al.
Quality of government and the relationship between environmental concern and pro-environmental behavior: a cross-national study
Environmental Politics
, Routledge 2021, Vol. 30, (5) : 727-752
Kulin, Joakim; Johansson Sevä, Ingemar
Nationalist ideology, rightwing populism, and public views about climate change in Europe
Environmental Politics
, Taylor & Francis 2021, Vol. 30, (7) : 1111-1134
Kulin, Joakim; Johansson Sevä, Ingemar; Dunlap, Riley E.
The Bigger the Better? Business Size and Small-Business Owners’ Subjective Well-Being
Journal of Happiness Studies
, Springer 2021, Vol. 22 : 1071-1088
Fors, Filip; Johansson Sevä, Ingemar; Gärling, Tommy
Suspicion of Welfare Overuse in Sweden: The Role of Left–Right Ideology, Anti‐Immigrant Attitudes and Gender
Scandinavian Political Studies
, John Wiley & Sons 2021, Vol. 44, (2) : 115-139
Goossen, Mikael; Johansson Sevä, Ingemar; Lundström, Ragnar
Chinese Citizen Satisfaction with Government Performance during COVID-19
Journal of Contemporary China
, Routledge 2021, Vol. 30, (132) : 930-944
Wu, Cary; Shi, Zhilei; Wilkes, Rima; et al.
Agreeableness, extraversion and life satisfaction: investigating the mediating roles of social inclusion and status
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology
, John Wiley & Sons 2021, Vol. 62, (5) : 752-762
Fors, Filip; Johansson Sevä, Ingemar
Oro över coronapandemin i det svenska samhället: [Worry about the coronavirus pandemic in Sweden]
Sociologisk forskning
, Huddinge: Sveriges Sociologförbund 2021, Vol. 58, (1-2) : 77-102
Kulin, Joakim; Johansson Sevä, Ingemar; Hjerm, Mikael; et al.
Governing for Future Generations: How Political Trust Shapes Attitudes towards Climate and Debt Policies
Frontiers in Political Science
, Frontiers Media S.A. 2021, Vol. 3
Fairbrother, Malcolm; Arrhenius, Gustaf; Bykvist, Krister; et al.
Who do you trust?: How trust in partial and impartial government institutions influences climate policy attitudes
Climate Policy
, Taylor & Francis 2021, Vol. 21, (1) : 33-46
Kulin, Joakim; Johansson Sevä, Ingemar
Welfare service privatization and opinions about service quality: The role of political ideology among local politicians and the public
Social Policy & Administration
, Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Inc. 2020, Vol. 54, (1) : 45-59
Hardell, Sanna; Johansson Sevä, Ingemar; Öun, Ida
Implementing the Water Framework Directive and Tackling Diffuse Pollution from Agriculture: Lessons from England and Scotland
, MDPI 2020, Vol. 12, (1)
De Vito, Laura; Fairbrother, Malcolm; Russel, Duncan
Educational achievement and poor mental health in Sweden: the role of family socioeconomic resources
Education Inquiry
, Routledge 2020, Vol. 11, (1) : 69-87
Brännlund, Annica; Edlund, Jonas
How does time pressure influence emotional wellbeing?: Investigating the roles of domain satisfaction and neuroticism among small-business owners
International Journal of Wellbeing
, International Journal of Wellbeing 2020, Vol. 10, (2) : 71-88
Fors Connolly, Filip; Johansson Sevä, Ingemar; Gärling, Tommy
Hur mår företagaren?: En rapport om välbefinnande och livstillfredsställelse
Stockholm: Företagarna 2019
Bongard, René; Fors Connolly, Filip; Johansson Sevä, Ingemar
Open Relationship Prevalence, Characteristics, and Correlates in a Nationally Representative Sample of Canadian Adults
Journal of Sex Research
, Taylor & Francis 2019, Vol. 56, (6) : 695-704
Fairbrother, Nichole; Hart, Trevor A.; Fairbrother, Malcolm
Free traders: elites, democracy, and the rise of globalization
New York: Oxford University Press 2019
Fairbrother, Malcolm
The Role of Government in Protecting the Environment: Quality of Government and the Translation of Normative Views about Government Responsibility into Spending Preferences
International Journal of Sociology
, Routledge 2019, Vol. 49, (2) : 110-129
Kulin, Joakim; Johansson Sevä, Ingemar
Fixed and random effects models: making an informed choice
Quality and quantity
, Springer 2019, Vol. 53, (2) : 1051-1074
Bell, Andrew; Fairbrother, Malcolm; Jones, Kelvyn
Multilevel Models for the Analysis of Comparative Survey Data: Common Problems and Some Solutions
Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie
, Springer 2019, Vol. 71 : 99-128
Schmidt-Catran, Alexander W.; Fairbrother, Malcolm; Andreß, Hans-Jürgen
Political trust and the relationship between climate change beliefs and support for fossil fuel taxes: Evidence from a survey of 23 European countries
Global Environmental Change
, Elsevier 2019, Vol. 59
Fairbrother, Malcolm; Johansson Sevä, Ingemar; Kulin, Joakim
A note from the convener of the drafting group of the 2016 ISSP ROG module
International Journal of Sociology
, Routledge 2019, Vol. 49, (3) : 169-170
Edlund, Jonas; Lindh, Arvid
The ISSP 2016 Role of Government Module: Content, Coverage, and History
International Journal of Sociology
, Routledge 2019, Vol. 49, (2) : 99-109
Edlund, Jonas; Lindh, Arvid
Conditional representation: Gendered experiences of combining work and family among local politicians
Journal of Women, Politics & Policy
, Routledge 2019, Vol. 40, (3) : 367-384
Johansson Sevä, Ingemar; Öun, Ida
A Little More Action, Please: Increasing the Understanding about Citizens’ Lack of Commitment to Protecting the Environment in Different National Contexts
International Journal of Sociology
, Routledge 2018, Vol. 48, (4) : 314-339
Johansson Sevä, Ingemar; Kulin, Joakim
Understanding and misunderstanding group mean centering: a commentary on Kelley et al.'s dangerous practice
Quality and quantity
, Vol. 52, (5) : 2031-2036
Bell, Andrew; Jones, Kelvyn; Fairbrother, Malcolm
Ageing, health inequalities and the welfare state: a multilevel analysis
Journal of European Social Policy
, Sage Publications 2018, Vol. 28, (4) : 311-325
Högberg, Björn; Strandh, Mattias; Baranowska-Rataj, Anna; et al.
Political Partisanship and Welfare Service Privatization: Ideological Attitudes among Local Politicians in Sweden
Scandinavian Political Studies
, Wiley 2018, Vol. 41, (1) : 75-97
Lindh, Arvid; Johansson Sevä, Ingemar
How critical thinking, multicultural education and teacher qualification affect anti-immigrant attitudes
International Studies in Sociology of Education
, Abingdon: Taylor & Francis 2018, Vol. 27, (1) : 42-59
Hjerm, Mikael; Johansson Sevä, Ingemar; Werner, Lena
Social status and life satisfaction in context: a comparison between Sweden and the USA
International Journal of Wellbeing
, Vol. 8, (2) : 110-134
Fors Connolly, Filip; Johansson Sevä, Ingemar
Education: family resources help girls more than boys when it comes to mental-health problems
Sociologisk forskning
, Sveriges Sociologiförbund 2017, Vol. 54, (4) : 329-334
Brännlund, Annica; Edlund, Jonas
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