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Department of Molecular Biology

Image: Jan Larsson

About the Department

The Department of Molecular Biology is unique, being affiliated to both the Faculty of Science and Technology and to the Faculty of Medicine. The department has a pronounced dynamic international profile with faculty, students and guest researchers from many different countries. Researchers work in modern laboratories with well-equipped common facilities to create a framework for a creative and highly interactive environment. Specific research interests of the independent groups are interconnected by a common interest in fundamental and translational research concerning the molecular mechanisms of both bacterial and eukaryotic systems.

Many of our research groups are affiliated with the interdisciplinary "Umeå Centre for Microbial Research" (UCMR) founded by our department. The department also hosts "Molecular Infection Medicine Sweden (MIMS) – the Swedish node of "The Nordic-EMBL Partnership for Molecular Medicine". As the main driver of these centres of excellence and one of the largest departments at Umeå University, we provide undergraduate courses within Medical, Dental, Life Science, and Civil Engineer programs. For further information, please pursue the links below.




Johan Henriksson lab
New knowledge about cell division with data-driven techniques

Improved resolution promotes advanced cell analysis, especially in cases of abnormal cell division in cancer.

A group of people sitting on top of a green couch
IceLab opens project call for shared postdoctoral fellows

Project proposals can be submitted until May 19th and an information session is available February 12th.

Läkare skriver på en laptop. Fokus på stetoskop.
2024 MIMS Clinical Research Fellowships awarded

MIMS awarded the 2024 Clinical Research Fellowships to Vanja Lunberg Wiraeus and Anne Tuiskunen Bäck.


Honorary award from the Royal Court to Umeå professor

Professor Bernt Eric Uhlin receives a medal for contributions to the development of microbiological research.

A bacterial toxin that acts as a mediator rather than a killer

Umeå researchers have discovered that bacterial toxins can act as modulators of the host immune response.

Discovery at Umeå University awarded 2020 Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Emmanuelle Charpentier has been awarded the 2020 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.